Tag Archives: Music

International Roma Song Day

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International Roma Song Day

The Benczúr House will host the events of the 3rd International Gypsy Song Day in Budapest on August 8. The program series is opened by three concerts in the spring and early summer.

The first performer on March 8 is Mónika Lakatos and the Cigány Hangok, whose aim is to present and keep alive the purest traditions of the Oláh Gypsy culture.

Parno Grast

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Parno Grast

An article in the Vojvodina Press on the Hungarian Roma group Parno Grast from Pasab. “Parno Grast” means a white horse – white color is a symbol of purity, and the horse of freedom. The performers sing in Hungarian and Romanes, even within the same song. The group’s musical roots come from their immediate surroundings, so far they have collected many melodies from Pasab and its surroundings, in the Sabolč-Satmar-Bereg district.

They have a concert in Novi Sad today.

Slovakia: Gifted Musician

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Slovakia: Gifted Musician

Although he is only 16 years old, Samuel Bandy has already managed to perform in front of 3,500 spectators and win several music awards. “I started playing the violin when I was about three years old,” he recalls.

In addition to studying at the Košice Conservatory, today he is the leader of the family band Ďusi band – he leads both his father and his older siblings. They play Romani folklore, but also Jewish, Ruthenian, Hungarian and classical music. “Roma musicians have played at parties since ancient times and had to be versatile – they had to be able to play everything. And it’s the same today,” says Bandy.

Skopje Roma Ball

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Skopje Roma Ball

On January 13th, the European Roma Ball was held in the “Alexandar Palace” hotel in Skopje, organized by the Roma United from Macedonia (ROM) party, headed by Erdzhan Selimi. He thanked the many people present, and mentioned the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, who was among the guests, calling him the future prime minister of Macedonia.

Roma Ball in Skopje

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Roma Ball in Skopje

The two Balkan stars Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović and Tea Tairović will perform at the “World Roma Ball” in Skopje, which will be held on January 18 of this month. Ceca will sing for 50,000 euros, Tea Tairovic for 20,000 euros.

This is a ball with budget to say the least …

Roma Ball

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Roma Ball

The traditional World Roma Ball will be held in Skopje for the 44th time on January 18, are already preparing for the event. As in previous years, guests from all over Europe are expected. They will be entertained by Ceca, Thea Tairovic, Jogani, Muharem Serbezovski, Tarkan, Jefrina at the Alexander Palace Hotel.

Slovakia, Music, and Roma

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Slovakia, Music, and Roma

When a half-Romani and successful singer releases a traditional song in Romanes, and mangles a few words, this unleashes a flood of criticism from the Roma community. There are valid points in the critique, but on the other hand, it is good that well known artists endorse their origins.

Pianist and Presenter

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Pianist and Presenter

The young pianist Orsolya Lázoková, a Romni from Tornale, Slovakia, where she works as a television presenter at Madrom TV. She is a graduate of the Private Music and Drama Conservatory in R. Sobota and is currently continuing her piano studies in Banská Štiavnica. She enjoys her work as a presenter and editor and gathers new experiences.

Serbia: Romodrom

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Serbia: Romodrom

As part of the traditional musical and stage event ROMODROM, organized by the Roma Cultural Centre, the audience had the opportunity to enjoy the music of the Amaro Del group and the recitation of the actress Iskra Brajović, who interpreted verses in the Roma and Serbian languages, Miroslav Mika Antić and Jovan Nikolić Jofa.

Austria: 30 Years

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Austria: 30 Years

30 years ago, Austria recognised Roma as a national minority. In this context, Music and Minorities Research Center in Vienna featured the 2023 MMRC Lecture “amenca ketane. Histories of Trauma, Music and Romani Empowerment”.

Also, an evening on December 16th.

Pretty Loud

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Pretty Loud

Another article about the Romnja ban Pretty loud, this time in the Bulgarian press. The first all-female rap group has a serious mission: to end early marriage for Roma girls. But the Pretty Loud band doesn’t stop there. Well known in the Balkans, the Serbian gang also promotes university education and social integration for members of an ethnic group that has historically been isolated. The young women of Pretty Loud have lived what they rap about. One of the singers – Zlata became a mother at 17. Diana faced discrimination at school, and Samantha was married by her father without her consent.

Zagreb: KAL

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Zagreb: KAL

On this Sunday, starting at 9 pm – a great party has been prepared in the club of the Association for the Development of the Culture of Močvara with a concert by KAL, a musical ensemble formed in 1996 in Valjevo.

Serbia and Roma

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Serbia and Roma

Another article about Zlatomir Jovanović, a Rom who is a culturologist, writer, journalist and translator. He is the president of the “Association of Romani Writers”, and is especially dedicated to the preservation of the Romani language. According to him, all Roma songs talk about freedom. However, this is not about freedom of movement, but about freedom of spirit.

To be frank, this is not quite accurate…

Tajsa Prize

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Tajsa Prize

The Tajsa prize will be awarded to Franciska Farkas and Horvá Kristóf “Színész Bob
(aka “Actor Bob”), both award-winning actors from Budapest, are notable for their contributions to the world of theater, film, poetry, and talent education.
The Jury has nominated them together for their outstanding performance in the movie Three Thousand Numbered Pieces (2022) “a political, cruel and original film spiced with dark humour, which makes an urgently needed and impactful statement against injustice, prejudice, discrimination and racism against the Roma, the biggest European minority”.


Tomáš Kač

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Tomáš Kač

An interview of renowned pianist Tomáš Kač. He is a native of Nové Jičín from a Roma family and recalls with a smile how his parents were afraid to let him go to the conservatory in Ostrava. But nothing could stop him. He settled in California and performs concerts all over the world.

Ida Kelarová

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Ida Kelarová

The Romani singer and activist Ida Kelarová eceived from the hands of Czech President Petr Pavel the state award, the Medal for services to the state in the field of culture, education and education.

She is the first Romni to get this award and only the third person of Romani heritage to do so.

