Tag Archives: Paramisja

Bulgarian Roma Songs

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Bulgarian Roma Songs

A published Bulgarian textbook contains 99 Roma songs, collected from the territory of present-day Bulgaria between 1950 and 1975. Songs about love, family songs, songs about heroes have been preserved. The man who preserved this for generations is Mustafa Aliyev, better known by his Bulgarian name Manush Romanov. Mustafa Aliyev dedicated his life to the development of the culture of his community. He belonged to the group of Sofia “Jerli”

He participated in the anti-fascist resistance. He was the editor-in-chief of the newspapers “Romano Esi” (Romanian) and “Nevo Drom” (New Road). He was the director of the “Roma” theatre, which was closed by the communists.

Czechia: Paramisja

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Czechia: Paramisja

The Pig Bride and the Talking Horse is a book of Romani fairy tales: far from the first to be published in Czechia, but in many ways the best so far, because the most thorough. It is intended primarily for adults, both researchers and ordinary readers – they will find amusement and many surprises in it.  It is now a well-known fact that traditional Romani folklore is not for young ladies.

Romane Paramisja

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A new book of Romani Tales from the former Czechoslovakia originally recorded by Milena Hübschmannová, a well-known Romologue, was just published in Czechia. In contrast to older books of Roma tales that were extremely successful in Czechoslovakia in the 60s and 70s, these tales were not severely edited to make them more “palatable” to a non-Romani audience. This newer book present stories that are thus quite different. Raw, dishevelled, expressive; disorganized, full of digressions, the irregular structure sometimes makes readers dizzy.

Bulgaria and Romane Paramisja

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Children from Montana took part en masse in the contest for illustration of Roma fairy tales organized by the city’s Municipal Council. 139 children between the ages of five and 11 sent their drawings for the competition, announced the chairman of the council, Ivo Ivanov.
