Tag Archives: Protest

Bulgaria: Protests

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Bulgaria: Protests

Residents of the Roam neighbourhood of Fakulteta in Sofia have been protesting against Kiril Kirov – known as Kiro the Japanese. The protestes claim that for years Kirov and his family have been harassing the residents of the neighbourhood, extorting them and forcing them to leave their homes, even to emigrate abroad. According to the protesters, the Japanese’s associates were distributing drugs in the neighbourhood, beating and even raping women.

Slovenia: Protests

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A protest will be held in the Slovene town of Škocjan on Thursday. The reason for the protest is the inaction of the current government regarding Roma crime.

According to th paper, the Roma “problem” in south-eastern Slovenia has reached its lowest point in the period of independent Slovenia, say representatives of civil initiatives. Despite numerous appeals from the desperate population, the authorities, which can adopt solutions and measures, do not respond. That is why the protest will take place.

Slovenia and Roma Protests

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Last week in Kočevje, several Roma got into a fight with the police. According to the newspaper, this event was just the tip of the iceberg. Shootings, thefts and robberies are a regular occurrence. In this municipality, Roma have been holding a regular yearly protest to highlight their housing plight. This year, Roma cancelled it.

Slovenia and Roma

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Roma families protests in front of the Ribnič municipality began more than fifteen years ago, and their demands have always been the same, namely that the local authority should solve their housing problems.

The Union of Roma of Slovenia is now trying to calm the strained relations between the local authorities and the local Roma. Their representatives visited two Roma settlements in Ribnica yesterday and advised the local residents not to intensify their protest. They suggested that they first establish a dialogue with the mayor, with whom they had already agreed on a joint meeting.

Brno Protests

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On the one hand, indignation over Friday’s verdict of the Brno Regional Court, which acquitted Ukrainians in the case of the death of a young Roma at the Brno Reservoir, on the other hand, disappointment over the low turnout. This is what the demonstration looked like, where about five dozen Roma gathered in front of the Brno courthouse on Sunday afternoon.
