Tag Archives: Racism

Roma and Slovenes

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Roma and Slovenes

Relations between the Ribnica Roma, the municipal administration and the majority population have long been at a standstill, the state must put an end to this. On March 2, 2014, 16 Roma men and women from two Slovenian Roma settlements filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights for violation of the right to water. These are the settlements of Dobruška vas in Škocjan and Gori. They lost their case in 2022. But the situation has not improved at all…

Czechia and Racism

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Czechia and Racism

Alena Pataky, deputy mayor of the Ostrava-Přívoz municipal district and member of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Council for the ANO movement, found herself criticised for her openly racist statements about Roma in an interview with the Okraj.cz server. In the interview, Pataky suggested that the problems with the low success rate of Roma students in primary schools are due to the different genetic makeup and mentality of Roma, which she believes hinders their interest in education.

Czechia and Anti-Roma Racism

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Czechia and Anti-Roma Racism

The Czech parliament adopted the IHRA non-binding definition of antigyspyism. Now, a charter against Antigypsyism is being created in the Czech Republic. Those who can sign up include firms, local governments, nonprofit organizations, public authorities and schools. This proposal is pushed by the Czech Govt Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs Fuková, but the Czech official Ombudsman Stanislav Křeček, not all negative behaviour toward Roman can be considered antigypsyism. As an example, he mentioned the case of the doctor in Aš who refused to register Romani patients. Well that one was definitely racist …

On Slovak Racism and the EU

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On Slovak Racism and the EU

Traditional Slovak racism thinks that Roma are mostly backward, uneducated, refuse to adapt to our culture, at best they just rub their hands together, take what they can from the system but give nothing back, at worst they cheat and steal – like Slovaks in the European Union.

There are, of course, certain differences here. For centuries, we have purposefully pushed Roma to the margins of society, we have not allowed them to settle, own real estate, or perform most professions.

UK: Apologies

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UK: Apologies

Greater Manchester Police has apologised ‘for any humiliation and distress caused’ after groups of kids were ordered to leave the city, a leading Travellers’ charity has said.

Well, they took time. And it was definitively racist.

Manchester Protests

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Manchester Protests

A TV Reality Star, who was featured in “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” has been protesting the heavy handed intervention of the Manchester police who forcefully removed Roma from a Christmas market and put them in a train which left them stranded out of the city.

Doctors and Roma in Czechia

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Doctors and Roma in Czechia

A paediatrician in the Czech town of Aš posted on his door: “In view of the increasing aggressiveness of the Romani people, I am not registering them with immediate effect.”

Apparently, several Roma were in his waiting room without an appointment and behaved aggressively. What really happened remains to be seen.

Slovenia and Antigypsyism

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Slovenia and Antigypsyism

The Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Nationalities recently published an invitation to participate in a public prize competition for children and young people entitled Together against Anti-Gypsyism.

Roma representatives greeted the idea, but there are several politicians and parties who criticise this as a waste of money.

House without an Exit

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Tomáš Hlaváček, director of the film House Without an Exit explains that his documentary shows that since the state and its institutions leaves the Roma to fend off by themselves, they rely on the family. But this is not always an advantage, as it keeps the families in a spiral of exclusion and poverty.


Slovenia: Humour?

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Slovenia: Humour?

A Slovenian Radio produced a “humorous” video clip as a parody of a new measure introduced by the Slovenian government about the right to disconnect, i.e. the right not to answer emails.

Their parody involves a debt-ridden Rom who tapped into the water supply and complains about the water “cutoff”.


Slovenia: Campaign against Racism

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Slovenia: Campaign against Racism

The Slovenian government campaign Together against anti-Gypsyism has upset residents living near Roma, as well as Roma. The Government Office for Nationalities explained that by announcing a prize-winning competition for children and youth entitled Together against anti-Gypsyism, they want to tackle so-called anti-Gypsyism, which is an internationally accepted and established term.

In communes with a Roma minority, people have started protesting saying “what will a 4th grader in SE Slovenia, who has a Roma classmate four years older than him, who bullies him every day and demands money from him, think about this prize game?”

UK, the Police, and Racism …

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UK, the Police, and Racism …

Manchester Police forced Roma and Traveller’s children who were attending a Christmas market onto trains which left them 100 miles away from Manchester. Roma and Travellers association are considering legal actions and have requested apologies from the police.

UK and Roma

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UK and Roma

A councillor who had to resign over a tweet on August 2nd, the day commemorating the genocide of the Roma about a meeting held to discuss possible land to be allotted for camps of Roma and Travellers. Well, she is back in business.

Would this have been the case if she had done the same on another minority?

Russia: Pogroms

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Russia: Pogroms

Finally, the news makes it to the West. We reported on it already.

Following the murder of a taxi driver by a Rom, a pogrom started in the town of Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. Subsequently after the riots, several Roma were summoned to serve in the army in the Ukraine, a certain death and definitively a punishment.

For the journalist: there are no Sinti in Russia …

Bulgaria and Incitation to Hatred

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Bulgaria and Incitation to Hatred

An article which states that “Roma neighbourhoods in Petrich, and the neighbourhoods in Bulgaria in general, are a huge prerequisite for a threat to national security, since the state institutions have abdicated long ago from the problems of the neighbourhoods, relying mainly on mediators, and this creates a situation in which we do not know what and how exactly happens there.”

It adds that “Illegal buildings and electricity, accompanied by Roma raids and beatings with axes, knives, stones and wooden sticks, as well as lack of any kind of responsibility and integration, are only a small part of the words that can describe the illegal life of the Roma neighborhoods in Petrich.”


Switzerland and Roma

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Switzerland and Roma

Another article, this time in the TV news about the formal complaint against a Bernese politician for racism. Since he sits in the government from the canton, the prosecutor had to ask for lifting his immunity. The decision will be taken on November 25th, but according to the article, the article, it seems he has little to fear.

Switzerland has a long way to go on racism …

Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

Pierre-Alain Schnegg, a politician from Bern and member of the canton’s government made statements about Roma refugees a few months ago which prompted a formal complaint for racist statements. Now the Canton’s parliament has to vote to lift his immunity so that the prosecution can continue.

Let’s see…

Slovakia and Everyday Racism

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Slovakia and Everyday Racism

Roma boys were supposed to enjoy a friendly football match, but instead received a welcome that hurt at the local school. “Yikes, gypsy team! Kill them!” one student shouted at them. “That was a welcome from a little girl from the local school, where we came with the students for a friendly football match. The boys were very much looking forward to the match. But the welcome hurt,” said teacher and education activist Juraj Hipš on Facebook, who published the sad experience of his students. There has now been a huge wave of support on social media.

Czechia and Racism

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Czechia and Racism

The 50 Shades of Anti-Roma Racism campaign draws attention to the long-lasting expressions of hate and discrimination. It brings awareness, specific stories, but also instructions on how to defend yourself. The details and goals of the campaign are described in an interview by its leader psychologist Monika Mihaličková from the RomanoNet organization. She says that “Most people imagine manifestations of racism and discrimination in connection with very explicit situations, but quite often they also have a more subtle form.”
