Tag Archives: Statistics

Czechia and Roma

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Czechia and Roma

Following the controversy of the a deputy mayor who claimed that Roma are not genetically programmed for education, a blog about education and Roma. The blog’s intentions are good, as it states that “the poorer academic results of Roma children are caused by poor socio-economic background, not by their racial differences”.

Unfortunately, after noting that only 11,746 people registered as Roma in the last census, whereas estimates say there are around 300’000 Roma in Czechia, it goes on with percentages … 30% of children end up in special schools; 57% are long term unemployed, etc. How does one arrive at those numbers if one doesn’t know how many there are?

Actually, this is racist, albeit with good intentions.

Roma and Statistics

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Another one of those “statistics”. Here, it states that only 29% of Roma are getting the minimum living income. It then proceeds to conclude that 71% of Roma who are entitled to this benefit are not receiving it.

Spot the issues? 1. How many Roma are there? No one knows for sure. 2. The author is assuming that all Roma are poor. Which is not the case.

Bad journalism, even worse arithmetics.

Slovenia and Statistics

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The usual statistics: In the municipality around Novo Mesto, Slovenia, on average 12 percent of Roma students completed primary school, or approximately one in eight school-age children. There are currently 290 unemployed Roma registered at the regional office of the Employment Agency, which is 30 percent of all unemployed in the municipality. Of these, 73 percent have been registered at the institution for more than one year and 56 percent for more than two years.

Only issue pops up if you ask how many Roma there are in the municipality. Answer is usually we do not really know … This makes for highly accurate percentage …
