A controversy in the UK followed a ruling finding a politician guilty of racism and discrimination against Rroma. A British Rrom and a Green candidate to the elections says no politician is different from another in this matter, and that newspapers tend to cover such comments in a way that portrays them defending the order and the community against Rroma.
Travellers and Rroma represent a community that is non-negligible and are voters. But only 10% of them voted in the last elections. This article offers an interesting analysis of the reasons why and the ways in which this is currently changing.
- Hannah, Felicity. Comment: When will we treat anti-Gypsy comments like the racism they are? In: Politics.co.uk. http://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2015/03/20/comment-when-will-we-treat-anti-gypsie-comments-like-the-rac