Ukraine & C14

The coordinator of the ultra-nationalist group and suspected organiser of the pogroms against Roma, Serguei Mazur is now only required to stay at home at night. In September, he will be able to apply for the end of the restrictive measures against him.
Seems that Ukraine is fairly lenient towards racism …

– Подозреваемому в погроме лагеря ромов Мазуру смягчили меру пресечения. In: 112. 07.08.2018.
– Координатору С14 смягчили меру пресечения за нападение на ромов. In: Komsomolskaya Pravda. 07.08.2018.
– Напад на табір ромів у Києві: координатору С14 Мазуру можуть скасувати арешт у вересні. In: RBK. 07.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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