Ukraine, Russia, and Roma

Two Russian language articles on Roma who are camping in a railway station in Kiev. Both extremely critical of the Roma and definitively portraying them with all stereotypes, including using verbs like “polluting” etc… In brief, quite racist.
These same papers have been very critical of the Ukrainians for not doing anything on the attacks and here, do not dwell on the fact that these Roma are from Donetsk, and, like many others have been driven out of the region by the separatists.

– “Приехали из Донецка”: в Киеве показали новое поселение ромов. In: Obozrevatel. 13.06.2018.
– В Киеве на Вокзале больше 300 ромов обосновали табор: они избивают прохожих и оставляют горы мусора. Kiev Informator. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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