Monthly Archives: Juni 2018

Italy: REALLY??? In the German Press …

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Mateo Salvini, the interior minister and leader of the Rightist League wants a census of Roma…
He should be reminded that this is not 1930, and we’d be interested to know how he will do this… Genetics? Social approach? Or other method?
The Press in German on this…

– Innenminister Salvini will „Zählung“ von Sinti und Roma. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 18.06.2018.
– Matteo Salvini will Sinti und Roma zählen lassen. In: RP Online. 18.06.2018.
– Italiens Innenminister will Sinti und Roma zählen lassen. In: Sächsische Zeitung. 18.06.2018.
– Salvini plant Zählung der Sinti und Roma in Italien. In: STOL. 18.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Italy: REALLY??? In the Italian Press …

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Mateo Salvini, the interior minister and leader of the Rightist League wants a census of Roma…
He should be reminded that this is not 1930, and we’d be interested to know how he will do this… Genetics? Social approach? Or other method?
The Press in Italian on this…

– Salvini shock: “Censimento sui rom, quelli italiani purtroppo ce li dobbiamo tenere”. Scontro nel governo, Di Maio: “Incostituzionale”. In: La Republica. 18.06.2018.
– Rom e sinti, quanti sono in Italia. “Ecco il censimento”. In: Il Quotidiano. 18.06.2018.
– Il Censimento Rom ci porta indietro nella storia. La risposta dei nomadi, la reazione del Pd e di Leu. In: Il Faro di Roma. 18.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Kyiv: More Roma

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It seems that when it comes to Roma, both Russians and Ukrainians revert to stereotypes. This time, Ukrainian press on Roma squatting a railway station in the capital. They do not even bother to mention that these are apparently refugees from the Dombas.

– Нове поселення: у Києві 300 ромів облаштували табір (відео). In: Styler. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Philharmonic

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After a long suspense, the Roma Philharmonic finally succeeded in playing the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in the context of the Wiesbaden weeks on Roma culture and against anti-Tsiganism.
Good that it finally worked out!

– Roma- und Sinti-Philharmoniker: ein Orchester für Millionen. In: Hessenschau 17.06.2018.–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html
– Riccardo M Sahiti dirigiert am Dienstag im Staatstheater Wiesbaden das „Requiem für Auschwitz“. In: Echo Online. 17.06.2018. [link-preview url=”–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html “]

Slovakia and Children’s Day

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A bit of a controversy in the region of Košice following the celebration of an international Children’s day in a nearby town which excluded Roma children …
Excuses, justifications, but the fact remains … Roma children are apparently not quite like other children, at least in Slovakia.

– Na incident vo Veľkej Ide na Deň detí zareagovala aj ombudsmanka. In: Košice Korzar. 14.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Sweden and Begging

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Really bad article. All stereotypes, and untruths.

– INVASION OF ROMA FORCED SWEDEN TO COME UP WITH A LICENSE FOR BEGGING. In: Siver Telegram. 16.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Still no Suspects

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Suspects in the attacks against Roma camps in the Ukraine have still not been identified… Seems odd to say the least. Or is it something else?

– Подозреваемых в разгонах лагерей ромов в Киеве нет, – полиция. In: Ukra News. 15.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Serbia, Evictions, and EU

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A Roma family is dragging Serbia in front of the European Court for Human Right for their eviction in Belgrade in 2012.

– Roma family takes eviction case to European Court of Human Rights. In: Al Jazeera. 16.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Bad news this week… A Roma camp near Grenoble was burnt down. It was a criminal act. Several NGOs are accusing the state of non-assistance of people in danger. Near Paris, in Triel sur Seine, a camp was closed, and several Roam were arrested following a fight. In Thorigny sur Marne, the mayor is trying to resolve the case of a squat. In Saint Etienne, in the Centre of France, Roma are in court for having broken into a derelict building for lodging. In Nice, in the south, a weird story of two children abducted by their own family. In Saint Thibaut, an illegal dump was cleaned out. In the North, a project for the insertion of Roma is encountering opposition, and in Angers, a new house is used to lodge Roma from a camp that was closed recently.

– Grenoble : des jeunes mettent le feu à un camp de Roms dans le quartier Mistral. In: France Bleu. 10.06.2018.
– Grenoble : incendies criminels dans un camp de Roms situé dans le quartier Mistral. In: FR3. 11,06.2018.
– Camp de Roms brûlé : l’élan de solidarité a fait place au rejet. In: Le Dauphiné Libéré. 12.06.2018.
– Grenoble : des Roms chassés du quartier Mistral, leurs cabanons incendiés. In” Le Dauphiné Libéré. 10.06.2018.
– Triel-sur-Seine : les Roms installés en bordure de la D 1 ont été expulses. In: Le Parisien. 14.06.2018.
– Yvelines. Le camp de Roms de Triel-sur-Seine évacué par la police. In: 14.06.2018.
– Bagarre au camp de Roms. In: La Gazette. 13.06.2018.
– Saint-Etienne : l’errance des Roms s’étale à la barre du tribunal. In: Le Progrès. 14.06.2018.
– Nice : deux enfants enlevés par leur famille devant le palais de justice. In: France TV Info. 14.06.2018.
– Au tribunal, deux enfants roms enlevés par leur famille. In: Nice Matin. 15.06.2018.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes / Pomponne ► Nettoyage de la décharge et du camp rom, dimanche : cent tonnes de déchets attendent les écologistes. In: Mag Journal. 15.06.2018.
– Saint-Thibault. 100 tonnes de déchets à retirer sous la Francilienne. In 15.06.2018.
– Thorigny-sur-Marne ► Maison squattée : le maire n’a pas vraiment convaincu les riverains. In: Mag Journal. 15.06.2018.
– Sas d’insertion pour les familles Roms: pas (encore) de terrain mais un début de polémique. In: La Voix du Nord. 15.06.2018.
– Angers. À la Roseraie, un nouveau squat pour les réfugiés. In: Ouest France. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Vienna Roma Festival

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An interview of Simonida Selimović about her, and about the Roma festival in Vienna.

– „Wir sind Roma – na und?“. In: Die Presse. 14.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Charlie Hebdo …

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Quite a bit of critique for Charlie Hebdo who published a cartoon of Simona Halep likening her to scrap metal collectors, a job which in France is assimilated to Roma.
By the way, the outrage is not about the racist portraying of Roma – it is about associating Simona Halep and thus Romanians to Roma… No further commentaries.

– Charlie Hebdo angers Romanians with ‘racist’ Simona Halep tennis cartoon. In: Deutsche Welle. 15.06.2018.
– Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Romania’s Halep sparks outrage. In: The Washington Post. 15.06.2018.
– Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Simona Halep sparks outrage. In: Sportsnet. 15.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine, Russia, and Roma

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Two Russian language articles on Roma who are camping in a railway station in Kiev. Both extremely critical of the Roma and definitively portraying them with all stereotypes, including using verbs like “polluting” etc… In brief, quite racist.
These same papers have been very critical of the Ukrainians for not doing anything on the attacks and here, do not dwell on the fact that these Roma are from Donetsk, and, like many others have been driven out of the region by the separatists.

– “Приехали из Донецка”: в Киеве показали новое поселение ромов. In: Obozrevatel. 13.06.2018.
– В Киеве на Вокзале больше 300 ромов обосновали табор: они избивают прохожих и оставляют горы мусора. Kiev Informator. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia, EU, and Roma

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Controversy in the European Parliament: Slovak representatives lash back at critique of Slovakia for its Roma policies. According to Monika Beňová, a EU Slovak MP, said “I have tried to explain in a speech that without the co-operation of the Roma themselves, it is not possible to implement even the best strategy” to which a Swedish MP replied that Slovakia is still segregating Roma in school.

– Beňová v ostrej hádke v Európskom parlamente. Za všetko môžu Rómovia. In: Parlementne listy. 14.06.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

A Ciambra

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The Italian movie “A Ciambra” continues its success story. The movie, produced by Martin Scorsese is set amongst Roma in Southern Italy.

– The Ciambra review – rush of storytelling and style. In: The Guardian. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Leni Riefestahl

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A forthcoming exhibition on Leni Riefenstahl’s work is seen by many as a form of an absolution. Among her work, she did a movie using Roma concentration camp inmates. She later claimed she knew nothing about the death camps.

– The quiet absolution of pro-Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. In: Times of Israel. 14.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria and Integration

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The Bulgarian parliament rejected the 2017 monitoring report on Roma integration. The rejection is seen as a move against the minister in charge of Roma integration Valery Simeonov (Deputy Prime Minister).

– Parliament rejects 2017 monitoring report on national strategy for Roma integration. In: Focus. 14.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Greece: Killer in Jail

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The killer of a 13 years old Roma girl has been placed in custody. He claims it has been an accident.
Well – he drove to the Roma camp and fired a deadly shot …

– Roma girl’s killer transferred to Korydallos jail. In: Ekatimerini. 14.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Minorities

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An interview of Angela Mattli of the Society for Threatened People (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker) on the refusal of Switzerland to recognise Roma as a Swiss national minority in the sense of the Framework Agreement on the Protection of National Minorities.

– «Die Minderheitspolitik der Schweiz hat ausgedient». In: Inforsperber. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma and Children Exploitation

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A UK project aimed at children exploitation specifically tailored for Roma. Good in itself, as a project, but bad in the sense that it links exploitation with Roma whereas the child exploitation is the result of poverty and exclusion.
This needs to be said.

– The Thornbury Centre to run child sexual exploitation project for Roma Gypsy community. In: The Telegraph and Argus. 13.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine, Roma, and Work

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Two Russian language articles on Roma in the Ukraine. Basic statement therein: Roma have difficulties in finding jobs, and thus they have many children and live of the money they receive for them from the social service.
All stereotypes are present here and of course it generalises … Fact is, there are many integrated Roma in the Ukraine. There are also many Roma refugees from the Dombass, they were driven out and have not been allowed to return. And in Western Ukraine, in the former parts of the Austro Hungarian Empire, the Roma situation is really bad.

– Иногда у табора нет выхода: раскрыты хитрые методы заработка ромов. In: Politeka.
– “Наживаются на детях”: раскрыта схема заработка ромов. In: Obozrevatel. 12.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]