Daily Archives: August 7, 2022

Slovakia and Nazis

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On Friday, the Prosecutor General Maroš Žilinka disclosed he will not submit a proposal to dissolve the ĽSNS. The spokesperson of the Prosecutor General’s Office Skladan stated that “The Prosecutor General of the Slovak Republic has not yet found the conditions for filing a lawsuit for the dissolution of the political Kotleba’s party – Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko according to section 384 et seq. of the Administrative Court Code.”

It seems that questioning the Holocaust, insulting and threatening all minorities, pledging allegiance to the fascist Slovak state, yelling, using the greeting “On guard!”, handing out checks with Nazi symbols, wearing tattooed swastikas and marching in guardsmen’s suits are not a threat to democracy.

Begging in Geneva

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The new cantonal law against begging in Geneva does not violate the fundamental rights of beggars. This is the conclusion of the Geneva courts which rejected Me Dina Bazarbachi’s appeal. The latter, sometimes identified as “the lawyer of the Roma”, questioned the validity of the legislation. But the Constitutional Chamber considered that the text was proportionate and responded to a public interest. While the fines could still be issues, the appeal had the effect of suspending the arrests of beggars. It is not the case anymore.

Forbidding begging is not a solution.

Switzerland and Travellers

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The canton of Bern is giving itself three years to better regulate the movement of travellers. It wants to avoid tensions arising with the authorities of the municipalities as soon as caravans of Roma, Sinti (Manouches) or Yéniches arrive in places a priori not intended to accommodate them or when these places have not been cleaned in time afterwards. the departure of the caravans. Experiences and reactions may vary from one municipality to another, from one procession to the next.

Well, this situation has been lasting for many years, and so far, nothing has been done at all.
