Category Archives: Moldova


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Really, the victims of a police attack in Moldova nad Bodvou who denounced the police were condemned by a court in Slovakia for defamation of the police.

– Z obetí sú vinníci. Prípad Rómov z Moldavy nad Bodvou má dohru na súde. In: Glob SK. 12.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova and Roma

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According to the executive director of the National Association of Public Mediators Valeriu Celdararu, education is one of the most acute problems of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova. According to him, about 80% of the Roma population is illiterate, and due to lack of education they cannot get a job, respectively, cannot access medical services, and fall into a vicious circle of poverty and exclusion.
Never mind that no one agrees how many Roma live in Moldova, which casts a doubt on the 80%, there are many poor uneducated Roma in the country.

– Заявление: Образование является одной из самых острых проблем сообщества ромов. In: NOI. 12.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Transnistria and Roma

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In Tiraspol, Transnistria – a region that declared independence and is only recognised by Russia, a round table on “The social and economic position of the Roma in society” was organised. Among its participants are representatives of public organizations, executive bodies of power, as well as deputies of the Supreme Council.
Well, no comments …

– ПРОБЛЕМЫ РОМОВ ОБСУДИЛИ НА КРУГЛОМ СТОЛЕ В ТИРАСПОЛЕ. In: Novosti PMR. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova: Clean Vote

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In the course of half a year, almost 11,000 members of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova took part in an information campaign on holding fair elections, during which they learned about the rights of those who vote and who wants to run for office. The information campaign was conducted by a number of non-governmental organizations through the UNDP project “Strengthening Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the British Embassy in Chisinau through the Good Governance Foundation and the Netherlands Embassy under the Matra program.

– Сообщество ромов узнало больше об избирательных правах. In: NOI. 21.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Chisinau, Moldova

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The ADAMI media prize, a prize for cultural diversity in Eastern Europe, was awarded in the video category to a portrait of a Rom – The life of Goran.

– ADAMI MEDIA PRIZE IN 2018: FROM THE LIFE OF GYPSIES TO LOVE IN THE NETWORK. In: The Koz Week. 30.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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6 Roma who were beaten up in a police raid in Moldova nad Bodvou and had accused the police of brutality were condemned in court…
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– V prípade útoku kukláčov na Rómov sa z obetí stali vinníci. In: TV Noviny. 08.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Tatarbunar …

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The mayor of Tatarbunar, Andrei Glushchenko, in the Odessa region close to Moldova and Romania, has an adviser on Roma issues. He will consult with the communities of this people and choose one representative who will sit in the city council. The mayor wants Roma to participate more actively in the life of the city.
Let’s see …

– В Одесской области появился советник по делам ромов. In: USI. 25.08.2018.
– У главы Татарбунар, Одесская область, есть советник по вопросам ромов. In: Slovo. 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine Roma

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An article about Roma in the Ukraine. What is always missing are the facts about Roma: There are the Carpathians one, the effective victims of the latest attacks, the refugees from Dombas (and from Crimea – Kirimlides Roma from Crimea), Roma of Romanian / Moldovan origins in the Odessa region, and the rest. The situations are different depending on these groups.

– Ukraine’s Roma community targeted by far-right violence. In: Deutsche Welle. 26.06.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Slavery in Romania

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An article on the slavery of Roma in Romania (actually in Wallachia and Moldova). Romanians are at long last starting to deal with the slavery and undergoing what happened in the USA in the 1960’s.
Unfortunate that the article contains a few mistakes (Gypsy is not derived from Athinganoi …)

– Romania turns its back on dark past of Roma slavery. In: Euractiv. 03.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova, Holocaust, and Organisations

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Increasingly, Roma Moldovan Holocaust survivors and their families are turning to Jewish organisations to help them obtain compensation. Up till now, most Roma survivors in Eastern Europe have not received anything for the Holocaust, even more so in Moldova.

– Pourquoi les survivants tsiganes de la Shoah se tournent vers les Juifs. In: The Time of Israël. 03.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Parallel

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An article making a parallel between Roma and African Americans due to slavery. Historically, one has to be careful because Roma slavery existed only in Wallachia and Moldova (which later became part of Romania) and to a lesser extent in other regions of Transylvania. Nowhere else. So the parallel is very valid in Romania itself, but cannot be generalised.

– Roma and African Americans share a common struggle. In: The Guardian. 20.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Moldovan Roma – 10 years later

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Finally some positive news. In the North of France, an article about Moldovan Roma, who, 10 years after their arrival, are citizen like any others.

– Après dix ans de chaos, les Moldovan, des Lillois comme les autres. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova; Monument

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A monument commemorating the Roma Holocaust will be erected in Moldova, a place where many Roma were killed during World War Two.

– Moldova will build a monument to Roma victims of the Holocaust. In: PRI. 30.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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Another movie on Roma: Valentian and a critique of it from Romblog.

– [link-preview url=””]

Amnesty on Moldova nad Bodvou

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Amnesty International is calling for justice for the victims of police brutality in the Slovak city of Moldova nad Bodvou. The police was acquitted and the victims are being currently sued for defamation …

– Amnesty International: We demand justice for the victims of the Slovak Police raid on the Roma settlement of Moldava nad Bodvou. In: 19.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

This Time in English …

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Charges levied against the Roma who were beaten up by the police in Moldova nad Bodvou. They having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and defamation.

– Charges now brought against witnesses in infamous Moldava raid. In: The Slovak Spectator. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia – Now the Victims are Criminals

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The Roma who sued the police for violence in Moldova nad Bodvou for having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and diffamation.

– Z obetí robia páchateľov, svedkov policajnej razie v Moldave obvinili z krivej výpovede. In: Dennikn. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Roma Life

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The Roma life is getting harder and harsher in Moldova nad Bodvou. Increased police brutality, segregation, eviction, racism…
What is indeed amazing is that this is published in a Slovak Newspaper (this time in Slovak)…

– Rómov z Moldavy sťahujú, hoci sa chceli dohodnúť. In: SME Domov. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Roma Life

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The Roma life is getting harder and harsher in Moldova nad Bodvou. Increased police brutality, segregation, eviction, racism…
What is indeed amazing is that this is published in a Slovak Newspaper (ok, in English)…

– Life gets harder for Roma in Moldava. In: The Slovak Spectator. 05.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Moldavia: An Activist

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A portrait of Cristina Raducan, a leading Rromani pushing hard for better schooling of Rroma children in her country.

– LA FÉE ROM QUI ENVOIE LES FILLES À L’ÉCOLE. In: Amnesty International. 08.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]