Category Archives: Moldova

Slavery in Romania

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An article on the slavery of Roma in Romania (actually in Wallachia and Moldova). Romanians are at long last starting to deal with the slavery and undergoing what happened in the USA in the 1960’s.
Unfortunate that the article contains a few mistakes (Gypsy is not derived from Athinganoi …)

– Romania turns its back on dark past of Roma slavery. In: Euractiv. 03.03.2018.

Moldova, Holocaust, and Organisations

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Increasingly, Roma Moldovan Holocaust survivors and their families are turning to Jewish organisations to help them obtain compensation. Up till now, most Roma survivors in Eastern Europe have not received anything for the Holocaust, even more so in Moldova.

– Pourquoi les survivants tsiganes de la Shoah se tournent vers les Juifs. In: The Time of Israël. 03.03.2018.

A Parallel

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An article making a parallel between Roma and African Americans due to slavery. Historically, one has to be careful because Roma slavery existed only in Wallachia and Moldova (which later became part of Romania) and to a lesser extent in other regions of Transylvania. Nowhere else. So the parallel is very valid in Romania itself, but cannot be generalised.

– Roma and African Americans share a common struggle. In: The Guardian. 20.02.2018.

Moldovan Roma – 10 years later

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Finally some positive news. In the North of France, an article about Moldovan Roma, who, 10 years after their arrival, are citizen like any others.

– Après dix ans de chaos, les Moldovan, des Lillois comme les autres. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.11.2017.

Amnesty on Moldova nad Bodvou

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Amnesty International is calling for justice for the victims of police brutality in the Slovak city of Moldova nad Bodvou. The police was acquitted and the victims are being currently sued for defamation …

– Amnesty International: We demand justice for the victims of the Slovak Police raid on the Roma settlement of Moldava nad Bodvou. In: 19.09.2017.

This Time in English …

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Charges levied against the Roma who were beaten up by the police in Moldova nad Bodvou. They having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and defamation.

– Charges now brought against witnesses in infamous Moldava raid. In: The Slovak Spectator. 06.09.2017.

Slovakia – Now the Victims are Criminals

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The Roma who sued the police for violence in Moldova nad Bodvou for having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and diffamation.

– Z obetí robia páchateľov, svedkov policajnej razie v Moldave obvinili z krivej výpovede. In: Dennikn. 06.09.2017.

Dumb and Dumber … UK Press

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Another of these articles that feed on stereotypes. Kings, barons, mansions (well…), all stereotypes are here. Is it reality or is it something else? Besides the taste to be discussed, the view here is that all these Rroma did their money illegally on the back of the UK (or European, or else) taxpayer. Wrong… They worked!

06.08.2014 Stereotypes: Rroma as child robbers

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Several British tabloids report on the fate of the Belarusian model Olga Romanovich. The beauty queen was allegedly kidnapped as a four year old from her birth mother in Moldova. The child robbers are termed as gypsies. From these, she was supposedly sold for a pair of gold earrings to another Rroma family that wished to have a daughter in addition to their son: “Her birth mother Tamara fled an abusive husband with Olga and was initially cared for at a railway station by gypsies who persuaded her to move from her home in Belarus to Moldova. She had to beg on the street with her daughter, before she was tricked into giving up her child during a car journey. They stopped at a shop, and gave her money to buy cigarettes, before driving off with her baby who was sold to another gypsy, who lived in the town of Soroki near the Ukrainian border. The woman who bought her had a son but wanted a daughter too, and “bought” Olga for a pair of golden earrings and a tiny sum of money, though she Olga was largely raised by this woman’s mother” (The Huffington Post 2014). The stereotype of Rroma as child robbers reaches back to their arrival in Western Europe. The prejudice is based on the idea that Rroma are deliberately anti-social living groups who steal their livelihood from the hard-working majority population and enrich themselves from them by illegal means. However, Rroma are not more criminal than other ethnic groups. Trafficking of children has nothing to do with the culture of the Rroma, as the articles cited here suggest. It is a racist prejudice that has been handed down for generations (compare Cockroft 2014, Hartley-Parkinson 2014, Metro News 2014, Stewart 2014).