Category Archives: North Macedonia

The Šutka

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Swiss television definitively not at its best. 8-10 Mio Roma (the Council of Europe cites 12 to 14, but then, the Swiss must know it better), and now a capital: the Šutka in Skopje.

It is always amazing what people can write or say about Roma with total impunity.

Hate Speech

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A Romani organisation organised a conference on hate speech in North Macedonia and worked on a project on the more general topic of Hate Speech in the Western Balkans.

The Council of Europe published the information yesterday.

Tetovo – North Macedonia and Multiple Languages

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In Tetovo, North Macedonia, it is better to be able to speak the languages ​​of its neighbours: Albanian, Macedonian, Turkish, Romanes or Serbo-Croatian. This mutual knowledge is the basis of social and professional relations. And the Roma are, as often, the champions of multilingualism!

Tetovo is certainly one of the most multicultural cities in North Macedonia. According to the last census in 2021, it has 84,770 inhabitants, including 60,460 Albanians, 15,529 Macedonians, 1,885 Roma, 1,746 Turks, 256 Serbs, 189 Bosniaks and eleven Vlachs.

Many speak several languages ​​in addition to their own, so they can communicate with neighbours and friends from other communities. In the streets of Tetovo, one hears Macedonian, Albanian, Romanes, Turkish or Serbo-Croatian. The Roma community is the most multilingual, perhaps because its children cannot be educated in their mother tongue in Tetovo and have to attend lessons in Macedonian, Albanian or Turkish.

Nezir Huseini, for example, speaks the languages ​​of all the communities of Tetovo. In addition to Romanes, he speaks Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian, but also English and German. “Romanes is my mother tongue, but I speak Albanian because I studied it in primary school. I always spoke Macedonian and Turkish and, as I studied in a military academy in Belgrade, during the time of Yugoslavia, I improved my Serbo-Croatian. Finally, I learned English and German, which I speak, read and write fluently,” he explains.

North Macedonia and Roma Education

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The Ministry of Education and Science informed that it hired 40 Roma educational mediators who will provide additional support for students in elementary schools in municipalities with a larger number of students from the Roma ethnic community.

“Their role is to help improve awareness of the possibilities and access to schools, to have regular meetings with the population and employees of the primary school related to the educational specifics and needs of this vulnerable group, to regularly collaborate with professional associates and teachers to improve the achievements of the students, as well as to take actions to reduce the dropout of the educational process”, said the Ministry of Education and Culture.

This is not much when one thinks of how many Roma there are in Macedonia.

North Macedonia – Renovations

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Soon 27 Roma families from the Bair neighbourhood in Bitola will be able to renovate their homes. The project “Bair – Joint action of Bitola for the inclusion of Roma”, will fund the renovations but after the legalization of the buildings, and the acquisitions of title deeds.

This is always an issue in Roma neighbourhood where many houses simply do not have any deeds, even in cases where the houses have stood there for many years.

North Macedonia and Schools

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Parents in North Macedonia demand change as schools in some districts end up t be totally segregated with 100% of the enrolled children being Roma.

This problem is not only prevalent in that country, as there are many places in Europe with de-facto school segregation. This is the case n many places in Hungary too for example.

Copenhagen Summit

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Copenhagen Summit

Roma activist Selviya Mustafi from North Macedonia discussed a “Democratic Digital Organization” with former US President Barack Obama at the Copenhagen Democratic Summit in a panel.

Germany: Protests

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There were protests at the airport in Baden, Germany after the deportation of 34 Roma on March 15th to Kosovo. The protests last Wednesday were aimed at further deportations this time to Serbia and Macedonia.

– Humanitäres Bleiberecht für Sinti und Roma erneut einfordern. In: Radio Dreieckland. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Macedonia: Discrimination

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Two Roma families denied exit from Macedonia win a discrimination case against the country.

– Roma Denied Exit From Macedonia Win Discrimination Case. In: ERRC. 10.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Music … Džambo Agusev

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– MIX • MACÉDOINE : DŽAMBO AGUSEV, LA NOUVELLE STAR BALKANIQUE DE LA TROMPETTE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 27.04.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

The Šutka …

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All Jazeera published a long article on the Šutka in Skopje, one of the largest Mahala in the Balkans.

– Shutka: Inside Macedonia’s only Roma-run municipality. In: Al Jazeera. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Esma …

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The Economist is an exclusive club. Its Obituary is one of the most exclusive column in the word. And yes, in spite of the sorrow of her death, we are proud that Esma got this honour she so fully deserved!
May she rest in peace!

– Obituary: Esma Redzepova., In The Economist. 17.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

A View on Macedonia’s Elections

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Interviews prior to the Macedonian elections shows what Rroma in the Šutka expect from politics in Macedonia.

– Election Brings No Hope to Macedonia’s Roma-run ‘Ghetto,’ say Voters. In: Voice of Americas. 09.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]