Category Archives: Serbia

Poetry in Serbia

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The Association of Roma Writers and the Association of Writers of Serbia organised a poetry New Year and presented the book “December Meetings” – a collection of poetry for children and adults, prose and aphorisms, as part of the traditional Poetry New Year.

Serbia, Roma, and Football

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The Roma football club “Veternica” from Leskovac is the oldest active Roma football club in the Balkans. It was formed back in 1926 in Leskovac and was founded by Leskovac manufacturer Dimitrije Nikolić, for his workers, Roma spinners from the outskirts of the city in the Roma settlement “Podvorce”.

Bujanovac: Elections

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Ibro Idić, president of the United Roma Party Bujanovac, and Adem Salihi, councilor in the Bujanovac Municipal Council, who joined the Justice and Reconciliation Party of Usama Zukorlić with the Roma party Unity, call on the Roma to vote for two parliamentary lists based in Sandžak. Idić says that he agreed to cooperate with the Coalition for Peace and Tolerance, which is led by Jahija Ferhatović, a member of parliament in the previous convocation of the Serbian Parliament. Ferhatović was a guest of Bujanovac Roma, and Idić states that he “did a lot” for the local Roma community. He called on the Roma to vote for the list TOGETHER FOR THE FUTURE AND DEVELOPMENT – COALITION FOR PEACE AND TOLERANCE, led by Ferhatović, in the elections on December 17.

Pretty Loud

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Another article about the Romnja ban Pretty loud, this time in the Bulgarian press. The first all-female rap group has a serious mission: to end early marriage for Roma girls. But the Pretty Loud band doesn’t stop there. Well known in the Balkans, the Serbian gang also promotes university education and social integration for members of an ethnic group that has historically been isolated. The young women of Pretty Loud have lived what they rap about. One of the singers – Zlata became a mother at 17. Diana faced discrimination at school, and Samantha was married by her father without her consent.

Serbia: Roma Inclusion

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Organized by the Office for Roma Inclusion, another seminar was held in Niš from November 24 to 26 for coordinators for Roma issues and for representatives of Roma NGOs. At the seminar, information was exchanged about the situation and position of Roma in local self-governments. The activities and plans for the year 2024, the two most important institutions for improving the position of Roma in Serbia – the Office for Roma Inclusion and the National Council of the Roma National Minority – were presented.

Let’s see what this produces …

Serbia and Roma

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Another article about Zlatomir Jovanović, a Rom who is a culturologist, writer, journalist and translator. He is the president of the “Association of Romani Writers”, and is especially dedicated to the preservation of the Romani language. According to him, all Roma songs talk about freedom. However, this is not about freedom of movement, but about freedom of spirit.

To be frank, this is not quite accurate…

Lujan Koka

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Ljuan Koka is a Roma political scientist, screenwriter and journalist. He achieved a significant career as a media and socio-political worker, especially in the field of protection of national and ethnic minorities. He also created a television show in Romanes.

The article covers his story.

Petro Jovanovic / Petro Ivanovitch

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The well know Parisian musician Petro Ivanovitch (Jovanovic) who was born in Serbia died recently at the age of 76 in Paris. He was buried in the Montmartre cemetery last Thursday acompaigned by music sung by his family and the many musicians who attended the ceremony.

Petro founded the “Tsiganes Ivanovitch”, a group that recorded several albums.

May he rest in peace! Te avel o drom angla leste putherdo!

Serbia and Roma

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An interview in the Serbian press of Kosovo’s General Secretary of the National Council of Roma, Bajram Morena. By law, the National Council of Roma has competence in four areas: education, culture, official language use and information in the languages of national minorities.

Serbia and Romanes

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The Roma Cultural Center Pancevo brought school supplies as a gift to the children who learn the Romani language with elements of the Roma national culture at the “Đura Jakšić” Primary School in Pavliš, on the occasion of the International Day of the Romani Language.

Serbia: EU Roma Project

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The municipality of Zvezdara, next to Belgrade, is participating in the second phase of the “Romakted” project, which is financed by the Council of Europe and the European Union, and concerns the promotion of good governance and support for Roma at the local levely.

The President of the Zvezdara municipality, Vladan Jeremić, handed over equipment to two associations from Veliki Mokrog Lug, which deal with Roma inclusion, in the presence of representatives of the Council of Europe and members of those associations.

Romanes in Belgrade

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By decision of the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, since April 15, 2015, the teaching of the Romani language has been included in the basic academic studies of this higher education institution.

Within the Centre for Professional Development and Evaluation, the Faculty has been organizing Romani language courses for years, which enables graduated teachers to obtain certificates of knowledge of the Romani language and join regular classes in primary and secondary schools where the subject Romani language with elements of the national language is taught. culture.

About 600 students attend this language in schools.

Romanes Classes

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An article about the first course of Romanes in Kuplin, Vojvodina, in an elementary school. The Ministry of Education has approved two classes, and there are five students from the first to the fourth grade, and seven students from the fifth to the eighth grade.

Romnja and Violence

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According to a recent survey in Serbia by the Roma Centre for Women and Children “Daje”, more than two-thirds of Roma women have been exposed to psychological or physical violence at least once.

The authors of this research state that, due to the specific culture of silence in the community, Roma women hesitate to talk about the violence they are experiencing. Being brought up in accordance with rigid patriarchal norms leads to them accepting violence as something normal and as an integral part of life. In addition, Roma women often do not recognize that they are exposed to violence.

We have a problem with these statements: Two third of the surveyed women may very well have been subjected to violence. But two third of all Roma women? How do they know? In addition, the patriarchal norms are not quite accurate.

Belgrade: Commemoration

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26 years after his brutal murder by two skinheads, family and activists commemorated the death of Dusan Jovanović.

In September 2023 they submitted a new proposal in which they specified a part of the park in public property to be named after Dušan Jovanović, but the authorities have not formally addressed and responded to the family of the murdered boy to date.

Dušan Jovanović

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Representatives of the Ne davimo Beograd-Green Left Front party, the city of Belgrade and the Roma Forum of Serbia laid flowers in Beogradska Street, at the place where a 13-year-old Roma boy, Dušan Jovanović, was killed 26 years ago.

Vojvodina and Education

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The city of Subotica financed free textbooks for vulnerable children from the Roma population again this year. This is a measure aimed at preventing school dropouts and has been in place for a number of years. The ceremony of handing over textbooks was held today at the “Matko Vuković” Elementary School.

Svi Uglas

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The Svi uglas choir, which gathers Roma children and young people, as well as all others interested in learning about Roma culture and getting to know the Roma community through music, will hold a big concert on Saturday in the Youth Center, and as special guests they will be joined by Konstrakt, the first female Roma hip-hop band Pretty Loud, and the choir of the First Belgrade High School.

Novi Sad: Roma Bal

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The Novi Sad Roma Ball will be held on Friday, September 29, starting at 7 p.m., in Villa Moskva, Novi Sad.

Visitors can expect a rich program, a game competition and a contest for Miss Evening. Guests will be entertained by Milan Dimić’s orchestra with guest Roxana Chirit from Romania and other singers.