Category Archives: Slovenia

uthern Slovenia and Roma

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uthern Slovenia and Roma

Representatives of the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia (SOS) met today in Ribnica at a regional meeting of municipalities of southeastern Slovenia. In the discussion, they highlighted primarily the social challenges in the region (read Roma integration) and the need for additional financing of municipalities from the aforementioned topic due to regional characteristics.

Slovenia: “Incident”

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Slovenia: “Incident”

Another article on the case of a social worker who was apparently attacked by a group of Roma and was sentenced to a fine of 250 Euros for having qualified a Roma as a “Monkey”.

Andrej Brečko from Mihovice near Šentjernej said “After 11 years of volunteer work in the village community and in a local initiative to solve the Roma problem, which the state should have solved long ago, I have now even received a fine for violating public order and peace – even though I was the victim of an attack by a group of Roma. “Now in the eyes of the police, I am the violator”.

Well, treating people of being monkeys casts a doubt about his view on Roma …

Slovenia: Attack

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Slovenia: Attack

Not good for Roma. A video surfaced of two Roma attacking and beating a student at a bus stop in Novo Mesto.

Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

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Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

In Lonjer, a then entirely Slovenian village on the outskirts of Trieste, the fascist authorities interned six Roma and Sinti between September 1940 and September 1943. The fascists confined them there after the Italian Ministry of the Interior ordered all prefects on September 11, 1940, to register Roma who were citizens of Italy and to confine those without permanent residence.

This fact as well as others were presented by Paola Trevisan in the Gopčević Palace. The historian and anthropologist dedicated her first scientific monograph to the persecution of Roma and Sinti in fascist Italy, which she presented in Trieste as part of the events marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. The author was interviewed by historian Michele Sarfatti.

Slovenia on the Genocide

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Slovenia on the Genocide

An article in the Slovene press about German historian Karola Fings from Heidelberg University mwho  is working on the first encyclopedia on the genocide of the Roma during World War II. In an interview with the French news agency AFP, she said that in many countries the full extent of the persecution of the Roma during World War II is still unknown.

However, Fings cited the example of Estonia, where the Roma community was virtually wiped out, so that its dialect does not even exist. She added that some countries, such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Croatia, were particularly affected.

Slovenia, Roma, and India

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Slovenia, Roma, and India

The Roma Association of Slovenia, in cooperation with the Embassy of India, organized a unique event, where they explored the connections between the Hindi and Romani languages.

Slovenia: Bad Reporting

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Slovenia: Bad Reporting

A story which is symptomatic of what is going on in Slovenia right now. A Slovenian social worker’s car was pelted with stones while passing a Roma settlement in the Doljenska region. They reported it to the police. In the end, he got a fine for violating public order.

Why? Because during the altercation, he told one of the children to go f•ck yourself, you monkey.

What really happened will never come out, but the article says that Roma can do whatever they want, and ethnic Slovenes get punished…

Slovenia and Anty-Gypsyism

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Slovenia and Anty-Gypsyism

The prize of a competition for children and youth entitled “Together against anti-Gypsyism” sponsored by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Nationalities is somewhat controversial. Roma disagree on the name of the campaign, as there are no “Gypsies”, and locals who live near Roma settlements find it wasted money.

Roma Integration

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Roma Integration

Progress in Roma Integration, Establishment of a Regional Health Center, Further Development of the Economy, and Solving the Housing Problem are the Four Key Tasks Set by Kočevje Mayor Gregor Košir for 2025. He also expressed satisfaction that the municipality is not among the most indebted, which allows it greater flexibility in planning projects.

As Košir emphasizes, one of the key problems in Roma integration is their low employment rate. Of the approximately 800 Roma living in the municipality, only a few individuals are regularly employed. Therefore, one of his priorities will be to increase employment among the Roma population. In cooperation with the Employment Service, they are planning to launch the Romano program, which will be aimed at solving this problem.

Romani Policewoman

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Romani Policewoman

Among Slovenian police officers, there also are several Roma who are trying to build a bridge between the Roma and the majority population. One of them, a policewoman from the Murska Sobota Police Station, works in the field of Roma issues and multiculturalism.

As she told STA, her goal is not only to provide advice when working with the Roma, but also to participate in various events. “Above all, I am a bridge of communication between the Roma and the rest,” she said.

Slovenia and Roma

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Slovenia and Roma

An article about a politician asking how much money has been spent on Roma projects in the Roma settlement of Dobruška vas, where around 350 people live in the Municipality of Škocjan. A new kindergarten was inaugurated recently after the previous one was destroyed by arson. But apparently, this is the third time, money has been spent on a kindergarten.

Roma and Slovenes

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Roma and Slovenes

Relations between the Ribnica Roma, the municipal administration and the majority population have long been at a standstill, the state must put an end to this. On March 2, 2014, 16 Roma men and women from two Slovenian Roma settlements filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights for violation of the right to water. These are the settlements of Dobruška vas in Škocjan and Gori. They lost their case in 2022. But the situation has not improved at all…

Slovenia and Elderly People

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Slovenia and Elderly People

A series in Radio entitled “A Bench Under the Free Sun” talks to Micka, a 74-year-old pensioner, who lives in a housing unit of the Public Housing Fund of the City of Ljubljana. On her father’s side, she has roots in the Roma community, where she also spent her childhood. She shares with us the challenges and trials she has faced throughout her life. She describes the discrimination she has faced as a Romni, who, despite poverty and difficult circumstances, maintains her identity and family ties. In the conversation, we learn how life has shaped her view of the world.

Crime and Slovenia

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Crime and Slovenia

The Slovene Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar says that Slovenia is one of the safest European countries and that its crime rates are very low. The article goes on to say that “many people are probably left with a bitter taste when they remember the problems caused by Roma in parts of Slovenia or the past epidemic of robberies in Ljubljana by migrants”.


Slovenia and Role Models

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Slovenia and Role Models

Sandi Horvat, editor, journalist and host of Roma radio and television programs on the national RTV speaks very openly about the problems and challenges of the Roma community, without shame, and at the same time proudly says that he is Rom. He gave a talk in the Fran Metelko Škocjan Elementary School.

Slovenia: Municipal Funding

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Slovenia: Municipal Funding

Currently, funds for the integration of Roma are allocated according to the size of the municipality, not aligned to the number of Roma who live there. This may be changing, if the current discussions come to an agreement.

Slovenia, Roma, and Schools

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Slovenia, Roma, and Schools

The Slovene government is working on a package of measures that address key areas such as access to education, housing conditions and security. Among the proposals is the mandatory inclusion of Roma children in kindergarten a year before primary school and the abolition of the higher child allowance for children who are not included in preschool education.

In plain text: if children do not go to Kindergarten, there’s no more money.

Slovenia and Roma

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Slovenia and Roma

The final conference of the international ACE project, led by the Roma Association of Slovenia took place in Murska Sobota. The project, done in cooperation with partners from Italy and Spain, lasted two years and had a clear goal: to empower young and older Roma and political stakeholders for better cooperation and inclusion. According to the project team, the project has positioned Slovenia as an example of good practice, as it is the only one of the participating countries with an adopted law on Roma and a national program for Roma. “Slovenia is a bright spot of the project, because with legislation and experience we can contribute a lot to other countries,” emphasized Škerlak.

Well, judging by the Slovene press, this seems highly doubtful…