Tag Archives: Work

Slovakia, Work, and Roma

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A video on Roma and work. It cites Jan Hero, the plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma, who says that the society has not made great progress in employing Roma. But is also says that “some Roma simply do not want to work”.


Jan Hero on Employment

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The topic of employing disadvantaged applicants on the labour market is more and more a hot topic in Slovakia. According to the Association for Culture, Education and Communication, the finalists of the Roma Spirit award are a real proof of effectiveness in the inclusion in the employment of low-qualified persons. In this context, the government representative for Roma communities, Ján Hero, stated that the percentage of employed people from marginalized Roma communities is growing only very slowly, but the situation is improving. While meeting employers awarded within the framework of Roma Spirit, which took place this week in Poprad this week, Jan Hero stated:

“With segregation and non-inclusive approaches, the concentration of poverty multiplies, and it is very difficult to get out of that situation. We have experience that Roma people also get jobs outside their homes, but they often do not have a permanent job and thus even better housing is more inaccessible for them.”

Serbia, Roma, and Employment

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An initiative called “Open day”  whose goal is to introduce young Roma to potential employers, so that they can learn more about different occupations and motivate themselves to continue their education and choose an adequate profession. “Open door day” is implemented within the project “Promoting the employability of young Roma men and women – phase II”. The mentioned project is supported through the program of German financial cooperation, which is implemented by the German development bank KfW on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Germany – the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Slovakia, Roma, and Work

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There is a shortage of workers in Slovakia, while there are people who urgently need regular work, according to an article published last week by the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. The integration of Roma would solve part of the problems of the Slovak labour market as there are around 500,000 Roma in Slovakia.

According to the statistics of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, in 2021 only 33% of Roma in Slovakia had a paid job, while 60% of young Roma between the ages of 16 and 24 were not looking for work, were not in education, or were part of any training program . “Humanly it is a drama, economically it is a burden for Slovakia,” writes the Neue Zürcher Zeitung in an article entitled Roma – a recognized workforce in Europe.

In Slovakia, as in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, there is a shortage of labour force, which will probably ease in the coming months due to the current negative economic development, but this problem is structural.
