02.04.2014 Manuel Valls and the French Rroma policy

Manuel Valls is the new prime minister of France. President François Hollande is taking the consequences of the bad result the Socialists made in the French municipal elections. Valls is notorious for his repressive policies towards Rroma. Cécile Duflot, the minister for social housing, criticized Valls policy repeatedly in the past two years and described it as a threat to the Republican pact. Valls accused the immigrant Rroma sweepingly of not wanting to integrate, whereby justifying his repressive policy of forced evictions and deportations, which is no less rigid than the one of the Sarkozy government. He also spoke out against voting rights for foreigners, which was not implemented until now. Duflot will no longer be a minister in the Valls’ government (Beguin 2014, Le Figaro in 2014, Le Point 2014 Metro News 2014).
