04.04.2014 Racist excess at the “Daily Star”

Tom Rawle (2014) from the Daily Star presents a racist excess on Rroma in the UK: He talks about the upcoming TV show called “Gypsies On Benefits And Proud”, which reports on migrant Rroma in England. The program is said to show clearly how easy it is for Rroma migrants to travel to England and abuse the local social system: “Ion Lazar, 36, who came to the UK with five other immigrants, says it is so simple to walk into Britain and get everything given to you. He says on the show: “I know it’s very, very easy to take benefits in England… She [England] gives me a free home, she gives me free money, she gives me everything.” He is now focusing on earning £40,000 to take home to Romania to build a house in the small village where he grew up.” Rawle and the program Gypsies On Benefits And Proud encourage racial prejudice with their un-reflected reporting. They unjustly denigrate an entire ethnic group by establishing a clear link between ethnicity and social abuse. They thus make themselves indictable for racist defamation. Politically charged knowledge is presented as if it was a scientific fact. That the presented cases are extreme individual cases is not discussed at all.
