04.04.2014 Rroma strongly discriminated against in Austria

News.at (2014) and APA (2014) report on the latest survey of the Austrian Volkshilfe, on the occasion of the international Rroma day on April the 8th. The organization comes to the conclusion that the discrimination against Rroma in Austria is perceived as a massive by the questioned people: “A clear majority of Austrians (74 percent) sees Roma and Sinti currently affected by persecution, expulsion and racist violence. 68 percent of the polled people said that Roma and Sinti are group particularly discriminated against in Europe. Concerning Austria, 54 percent agreed with this statement. Measures against discrimination, in support of Roma and Sinti (for example, social counselling and labour market projects) are favoured by 59 percent of the population.” The president of the Volkshilfe, Erich Fenniger, demands more clarification about the Rroma in Austria and the promotion of positive images about Rroma by all members of society.
