04.04.2014 Stereotypes of criminal Rroma gangs

20 Minuten (2014) reports on tricksters in the canton Aargau. The number of offenses, which were carried out by con artists, is said to have increased rapidly in recent times. This information is followed by a detailed description of the specific offenses and the appearances of the offenders, who are said to have dark hair. The remark at the end of the article, which states that the perpetrators are mostly Rroma is problematic: “According to the police, it mostly involves Roma, who are travelling in cars with foreign licenses. Victim of con artists are predominantly elderly people.”  The reference to the ethnicity of the perpetrators is unnecessary; it merely encourages racial prejudice against members of the minority. Rroma are not more criminal than members of any other ethnic groups. To ascribe them a culturally related delinquency lacks any reason and respect. Stereotypical notions of criminal Rroma gangs can be found in Western Europe since the 15th century. They have survived to the present day.
