05.06.2014 “Anti-Roma Racism Is On The Rise”

Wall (2014) reports on the correlation of a new advance of rightwing-nationalist right ideas in Europe and the instrumentalisation of Rroma as scapegoats for general social ills. Rather than drawing attention to the complex reasons for economic stagnation and social inequality, right-wing nationalists and politicians abuse the minority as an easy-to-understand explanation for these nuisances: “Anti-semitism is once again on the rise. […] Racism often functions as a device used by populist politicians to gather votes. In tough economic times, like the 1930s depression and the current ongoing austerity, racism can be electoral gold for the unscrupulous. If troubles can be blamed on an identifiable group, the racism can be nurtured and made to grow into deep-seated and enduring hatred.“ As a particularly questionable trend, Wall shows that the threshold to discredit the Rroma is continuingly decreasing. He sees a clear link between the political and media defamation of a minority, the establishment of an institutionalized hatred against them, and their physical destruction. Therefore, a responsible journalism is so important: “When politicians and tabloids raise fears about the Roma, we should remind them of where such fears led in the past. Fear leads to prejudice, prejudice leads to hate, hate leads to violence. It is never ever justified. Saloon-bar banter needs to be countered with some stark presentation of the facts about where such banter led in the last century.”

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