06.09.2013 Street Prostitution in Zurich

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Dammann (2013) reports on the verdict in the trial of a pimp of the Zurich street prostitution scene. According to the indictment, the man massively abused six Hungarian women have forced them into prostitution. He has now been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. The judgment once more raises the question of how the distinction between volunteer and forced prostitution is useful, since often, these concepts cannot be clearly distinguished. From a legal perspective, the term “forced prostitution”  does not exist. It is argued that structural phenomena such as migration and poverty are transformed in victim-perpetrator schemes and that the sex workers are represented as one-dimensional victims without own power to act. Many movies and books make prostitution as something that is done voluntarily although often due to poverty. Against this, one has to look at the repeatedly imposed sentences against brutal pimps, especially in the area of ​​street prostitution. Dammanns hint that these men are often Rroma who exploit their women is also absolutely to be understood in a non-cultural way. Mutual exploitation has nothing to do with culture, although some observers like to assign it to Rroma, but is the result of individual acts of amoral people.
