Matharu (2014) shows in his article the historical roots of Rroma in the UK, dating back five hundred years. With his chronology Matharu creates a counter-image to wide spread misconceptions that Rroma are not real Europeans: “1. Romany gypsies have been stopping in Ewell since 1677. They were [often] called Babylonians because nobody could imagine where they came from. […] 6. Gypsies were valued as farm workers because they could quickly bring in crops. They harvested potatoes at Wallace Fields and turnips at Ewell Court. […] 8. After schools were opened up to Gypsies in 1906, many families made efforts to get their children educated. They were enrolled at West Street School and Ewell Grove. 9. Many Gypsies fought in both World Wars.”

In the UK, the equation of Rroma and Irish Travellers often causes confusion. The latter have emerged from the formerly sedentary European population, who started travelling due to political upheavals in the early 15th century. The Rroma have originated in India and have their own language, Rromanes. Most Rroma are not travellers.