07.06.2013 Rroma in France

Damase (2013)  informs about the aspirations of Rroma in Val-de-Marne to be registered for voting. Most of the Rroma living in the camp of Ivry, have been residing there for several years and, at least theoretically, are entitled to voting. However, the problem is obtaining the necessary documents. Most of them have an European identity card but almost no one possesses an official residency confirmation. From the perspective of the supporters of this idea, granting  voting rights would further the integration of Rroma. The Ivry Rroma camp, with about 250 people, is meant to be evicted since two months.

The evictions in France hold continue. Filippi Paoli (2013) reports on the evacuation and resettlement of roughly 60 Rroma from Vieux-Lille. The families could be temporarily accommodated in Rouvignies, Bethune and Calais in a hotel and a rehabilitation foyer. Those affected are not hugely enthusiastic, as they don’t know how long they can remain in the temporary accommodations.


  • Damase, Laura (2013) Des Roms tentent de s’inscrire sur les listes électorales d’Ivry. In: France Info vom 7.6.2013.
  • Filippi-Paoli, Sophie (2013) Les Roms évacués du Vieux-Lille relogés à Rouvignies, Béthune et à Calais. In: La Voix du Nord vom 6.6.2013. 