09.08.2013 Dispute over Water in the Northern Hungarian Town Ozd

In the northern Hungarian Town of Ozd, a dispute over drinking water arose. The city administration turned off drinking water to the local Rroma. The reason: they are wasting public commodities. Particular point of contention: the government of Ozd received one and a half million forints for the water supply of the Rroma quarters in qustion by the Swiss Confederation. In Ozd, during summer days, temperatures rise to over 37 degrees in the shade. The Fidesz party, currently ruling in Ozd, is repeatedly accused to promote policies that are against Rroma (Schroeder 2013).

The Tagesanzeiger (2013) adds that the Swiss government planned to finance the building of a water supply for 7 million Swiss francs in the Rroma quarter. We need to note that this is a huge sum by Hungarian standards and that its effective use should be investigated prior to funding. The project was on the verge of implementation: “The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) confirmed that Switzerland finances, in the context of the EU enlargement contributions to Hungary, several infrastructure projects, including the drinking water system in Ozd totaling more than 7 million francs. With this project, which stands now just before its implementation phase, Switzerland wants to achieve, among other things, a sustainable water supply for the Roma population, wrote the EDA.”

Human rights activists and social workers on site describe the situation as dramatic: Especially Women and children are particularly affected by limited access to safe drinking water. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) gave to understand that the Hungarian project partners who will create the water supply financed by Switzerland, had assured that all city residents would have access to drinking water. How local circumstances actually look like remains unclear. With some doubts remaining,  one should pay more attention to critical descriptions (Tagesanzeiger,  2013/II).

Baumann (2013) substantiated the charge that the city of Ozd had decided in June to close 27 of the public water sources and to reduce the overall pressure. According to local authorities, it is possible as before, to get free water every 150 meters. The Rroma living in Ozd have no running water in their homes, so they depend on the availability of water at public facilities. The real issue therefore appears to be getting water without payment.

Knopf (2013) clarifies the reports with the note, that the order of Interior Minister Sandor Pinter means that most hydrants were reopened in Ozd. The reopening of the water supply affects all residents of Ozd and not just Rroma. At issue is a redevelopment of the entire water supply system. The EDA stated it awaits the the result of the investigation of Hungarian Ombudsman for fundamental rights.

Odehnal (2013/III) adds in his article dated 9 August, that only 15 of the 27 blocked water pumps were reopened and that the water pressure was reduced from 50 to five litres per minute. Moreover, only the main water pipes of the village were renewed. The connection  of the houses to the water mains has to be paid by the home owners themselves. According to Odehnal, this is a crucial point, as almost none of the Rroma in Ozd have water connections in their homes. They thus will not benefit from the Swiss aid project. In addition to the cost of a private water supply there is the hurdle of mandatory reporting: Many Roma pay rent, but live illegally in their homes. Without registration form, it is not possible to apply for a water connection. Odehnal comments succinctly at the end of the article: “When the steel mill was still in operation, Ozd spent 6 million cubic meters of water a year. Today, it is approximately 1.3 million. The reservoir and the lines are still designed for the old sets. Water shortage? The workers of the water company laugh, “No, that is something that never happened here.”“

  • Baumann, Meret (2013) Streit um Wasserversorgung – EDA wartet ab. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 7.8.2013.
  • Knopf, Simon (2013) Roma von Ozd sollen wieder Wasser bekommen. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 7.8.2013.
  • Odehnal, Bernhard (2013/III) Wer einen Wasseranschluss will, muss zahlen. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 9.8.2013.
  • Schröder, Alvin (2013) Trotz Hitzewelle: Ungarische Stadt stoppt Wasserversorgung für Roma. In: Spiegel online vom 5.8.2013.
  • Tagesanzeiger (2013) Kein Wasser für Rroma. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 5.8.2013.
  • Tagesanzeiger (2013/II) Schweizer Geld für die Stadt, die den Roma die Brunnen stilllegte. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 6.8.2013. 