10.05.2013 Rroma in France

Nord Eclair (2013) informs on the eviction of an illegal camp in Saint-André. The local Rroma lived in the Rue Constantine for the last three years. The mayor’s arguments are that Rroma were a risk to the public and the environment. Advocates of the Rroma fighting against the decision note that the affected family of seven had not disturbed anyone. For the mayor, the value lies in the example and precedent. The city chief Olivier Henno stated that the Rroma in question were not political refugees and therefore would not enjoy any special status.

Beigbeder (2013) reports on a form of vigilante justice in Villeneuve d’Ascq. Residents of the city suspect members of an adjacent Rroma camp to have repeated executed thefts in their neighbourhood. They hung up posters in the streets showing potential delinquents and demanding their arrest. The action happens in the context of increasing tensions against members of the minority, which are fuelled among others by the Front National.

The Rroma settlement in a riverbed in Nice will be cleared based on a request of the General Council. The official justification of the ruling cites safety issues due to the location of the settlement, based on the risk of flooding and danger due to electricity. But the real reason is likely to stem from the displeasure of the President of the General Council Eric Cotti, who noted that the judiciary has finally put an end to the lack of action by the government (Largillet 2013).


  • Beigbeder, Matthieu (2013) Villeuve d’Ascq: les habitant affichent de supposés cambrioleurs dans les rues. In: L’express (France) vom 10.5.2013.
  • Largillet, Jean-Pierre (2013) Camp Rom de Nice : la justice ordonne son démantèlement. In: WebTimeMedias vom 8.5.2013.
  • Nord Eclair (2013) Saint-André : les Roms installés rue Constantine en voie d’expulsion. In: Nord Eclair vom 8.5.2013.