11.06.2014 Anti-Rroma pogroms in the Czech Republic have increased

Maegerle (2014) reports on increased pogroms against Rroma in the Czech Republic. Of particular concern is the increasing violence against the minority that is tolerated by middle-class residents, or even supported. Maegerle states: “The current Czech extremism report suggests that actions against Roma are the biggest threat in the country. Marches and demonstrations against Roma were held in České Budějovice, Duchcov, Vítkov and Ostrava. […] Hundreds of neo-Nazis tried to start a pogrom against around 350 Roma in the town [České] of approximately 100,000 inhabitants. The attacks were accompanied by hooting and applause from the public.” The right-wing extremist scene in the Czech Republic remains dominated of the “Workers ‘Party for Social Justice” (Dělnická strana sociální Spravedlnosti – DSSS), as stated in the report cited by Maegerle. The party abuses and exploits the minority for its scapegoat politics, in which the Rroma are held responsible for all possible social ills. For the complex economic, historical, political and legal backgrounds of these grievances, for which society is responsible as a whole, the right-wing extremists shows no understanding at all. That it is very much possible to successfully integrate the Rroma is shown by Rosenzweig’s (2014) report on a small town in the Czech Bohemia.
