12.04.2013 Travel Ban for Serbian Rroma

The TAZ reported on Rroma families in Belgrade who want to try their luck in Germany or have already done it and were expelled back. Jacob (2013) visited the families in the slums around Belgrade. He represents the common image of misery: Lots of waste, high unemployment, misery, little or no prospects for the future. Ajrija Demir already tried twice her luck in Germany. A total of seven years she lived there and had to leave again twice. Since the EU threatened Serbia to reintroduce a visa requirement, controls at the borders against potential asylum abuser were enforced by Serbia. The border guards are to identify “false asylum seekers” – on what criteria this is done, Jacob does not discuss – and send them back on arbitrary grounds. In December 2012, the Serbian judiciary introduced Article 350a into the penal code criminalising “help for wrongful asylum claim abroad or for wrongfully obtaining welfare”. Dadruch Rroma are able to consciously leave them held Serbia. This practice is contrary to the UN Convention on Human Rights where the right to emigrate from one country – one’s own or another – is postulated. Jacob laconically states that:

The civil rights activist Vukovic would be happy to challenge the exit restrictions in court, but can not find any plaintiff. “Rroma do not dare to go against the state,” she says. The visa waiver is the most important government’s asset, and it wants to retain it. “For this they sacrifice the basic rights of the Roma.”


  • Jakob, Christian (2013) An der Grenze zurückgeschickt. In: TAZ vom 9.4.2013. 