14.03.2014 “Students should learn more about Sinti and Roma”

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2014) reports on the plan of the ministry of culture of the state of Hessen, to expand the teaching on the history of the Rroma. Students should in the future be better informed about the centuries of persecution and exclusion of the Rroma. Therefore, the ministry of culture, together with the association of Hessian Sinti and Rroma, has created a brochure that will be distributed to all schools of the state till summer. In addition, the Hessen government will increase its support for the minority: “It is important that Gypsies can preserve their ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious identity”, said chief minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) in Wiesbaden at the signing of the agreement with the national association of Sinti and Roma. The paper addresses, among other things, the need to end discrimination and to promote the cultural identity and language”. Knowledge about the history and culture of the Rroma is often permeated with misinformation. Therefore, an objective, differentiated teaching about the Rroma is anything but an easy task. The prime minister of Hessians, Volker Bouffier, announced in his statement that the country is now fulfilling its historical responsibility. Adam Strauss, chairman of the Hessian association of Sinti and Rroma, called it shameful that many Rroma still keep their identity a secret out of fear of being discriminated. This must change now (see Focus online 2014, von Bebenburg 2014, Journal Frankfurt 2014, Die Welt 2014).
