14.05.2014 “Ghetto blasting: Hungarian city pays “emigration bonus” to Roma”

Pester Lloyd (2014) reports on a new type of Rroma policy in Miskolc, in Hungary. According to the new decision, the residents of the local Rroma ghetto are induced to move away from the city into social housing in the periphery with a bonus of 1.5 to 2 million forints: “Condition [for the emigration bonus]: the receivers are not supposed to sell the newly acquired residence for five years. How they plan to deal with the case of people, who, for whatever reason, decide to return to Miskolc, something that cannot be forbidden, the city council remains silent about. Emigration bonuses by mayors have been seen in previous years, they caused a kind of bonus tourism and had additionally the effect of increasing conflicts due to the influx of strangers to local communities that previously had a lower proportion of Roma. Representatives of NGOs and Roma associations protested fiercely against the decision of the Fidesz-dominated city council. In the boardroom of the town hall, posters were displayed with the slogans “Don’t vote for deportation!” and “There will always be poor people!” The new policy of the Hungarian city of Miskolc recalls the attempts of former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, to force immigrants to return their home countries by the distribution of a return bonus. What is needed in fact, are no expulsion and marginalization policies, aimed at ethnic homogenization, but active efforts for a successful integration of the Rroma.
