16.05.2014 Diocese of Lille cannot accommodate the displaced Rroma of Roncq

Several French newspapers report on the fate of a group of displaced Rroma in Roncq. They were expelled last week from their accommodation without having been offered any alternative place to stay. Some families settled on the site of the church Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. The diocese of Lille has now announced that it does not possess the means and possibilities to accommodate the Rroma in reasonable terms: “The church has neither the necessary human nor the financial resources to find long-term, stable solutions for these families”, said the archdiocese in a press release. “That does not mean that we are indifferent to their fate! We have a team that could accompany the families.” “We cannot protect them. It is not an absence of charity (…) One seeks solutions for land and one doesn’t have any” the archbishop of Lille announced.” According to local Rroma organizations, the eviction of 700 to 800 Rroma in Lille is planned for July, following a court’s decision. Likely, there will be no alternative accommodation provided to them either. Around twenty Rroma, who settled near the church, can pitch their tents on a private estate in Haubourdin, through the mediation of ATD Fourth World. Another twenty have joined other illegal settlements in Lille (compare Belaïd 2014, France 3 Nord Pas-de-Calais 2014 I/II, Le Monde 2014, Le Parisien 2014, La Voix du Nord 2014 I/II). 
