16.08.2013 Rroma Debate in France

The Huffington Post France (2013) again discussed Jean-Marie Le Pen Le Pen’s rroma-critical comments. At a press conference on the 13th of August, Le Pen criticised the financial compensation paid to Rroma. Those affected by forced evictions are receive 75 euro in compensation per day if no alternative accommodation available as per a recent court order. Le Pen criticised this compensation would attract a mass migration of Rroma to France, as for them 75 euros per day is a fortune: “«Cette annonce en Roumanie a provoqué un enthousiasme fanatique pour le départ, départ jusqu’ici limité. Des dizaines de milliers, des centaines de milliers, de ces Roms vont partir pour revenir chez nous pour y trouver le pactole. En effet 75 euros par jour et par tête c’est le miracle pour eux.» [This announcement provoked in Romania a fanatical enthusiasm for departures, departures that were up till now somewhat limited. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of these Rroma will leave to return [sic.] here to cash in. 75 euro per day and per person is a miracle for them.] He further commented that in case the migration policy remained the same, the Promenade des Anglais in Nice should be soon renamed “ Romenade.”

Le Pen one dimensional representation portrays Rroma as economic refugees, which will push France into economic and social ruin. He consciously uses fears that are prevalent in times of economic crisis and which hinder the integration of the Rroma.

Keywords: France, Rroma, Economic migration, polemic, Le Pen, Huffington Post
