17.05.2013 Fire in a Rroma House in Lyon

The NZZ (2013) reports a fire in a Rroma camp in Lyon. In a vacant office building, 200 Rroma were living temporarily. The building was completely destroyed by the fire, the cause of which remains unclear until now. So far, three deaths, two women and a child were reported.

In recent months in France, there have been repeated fires in Rroma settlements or buildings. To reduce this increase to thoughtless handling of fire sources only is not very likely. Political motives behind several of these fires are rather suspect, related to the social debate about Rroma. Right-wing parties and their supporters are outraged about a perceived erosion of the welfare state due to immigrants such as the Rroma. Using them as a negative image for their political purposes they accuse them of deliberate arson of their camps to access social welfare, a fact cited by Marie Le Pen. From another perspective, the increased number of fires can much more be seen as a consequence of the hatred of residents or other elements, which are offended by the presence of the Rroma.

Euro News (2013) complements the coverage of the fire with the statements of Interior Minister Manuel Valls. He expressed regrets over the incident, but also said he felt concerned that the occupation of houses and warehouses “ poses every time a real danger that needs to be cleared” would. What exactly he means by a “real danger” is unclear. Valls has argued in recent months for increasing returns of Rroma to Romania.

Coudert (2013) stated that the 200 Rroma in the building were temporarily housed in an adjoining gym. The decision of the Rhônes Civil Service to close the hall every day from 10-15 clock for cleaning purposes has been criticised. This is inhumane, especially given the fact that there are newborns among the people.


  • Coudert, S. Mazni T. (2013) Les Roms sommés par le préfet d’errer sous la pluie. In: Lyon Capitale vom 16.5.2013.
  • Euronews (2013) Tote bei Brand in von Roma besetztem Haus in Lyon. In: Euronews vom 135.2013.
  • NZZ (2013) Drei Tote bei Brand in alter Fabrik. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 13.5.2013. 