17.05.2013 Remembrance for the Deportation of Rroma in Germany


The Faction “Alliance 90” and the Greens commemorated the 73 Anniversary of the deportation of Rroma in Germany and thought about the outstanding social and political task towards this still marginalised minority. The Alliance stated:

“The mention in the Constitution is a small but strong step. It is now important that Roma and Sinti in our society actually get all the benefits and rights and antiziganism comes to an end. We welcome the fact that a parliamentary committee for the interests of the Sinti and Roma was created as a direct consequence of the constitutional amendment. It will be our task to achieve concrete improvements for the Sinti and Roma in this committee”. (Jacob 2013)

Mueck-Raab (2013) reports on the secret removal of a memorial for the Rroma murdered under Nazism. In the Krautgarten school in Wiesbaden until recently on could find a small glass display case with photographs and texts about the fate of the deportees Maria Theresa Lehmann and her family. Along with about a hundred other Rroma the region, they were taken to a local jail, photographed and a number was tattooed numbered on their arm. This was followed by deportation to a concentration camp. The memorial was set up in 2006 under the initiative of the then headmistress. The showcase now contains football trophies. The children of Theresa Lehmann are outraged. The exhibits were not returned to them, contrary to the statements of a representative of the school. By email it was said: “A memorial has never existed in the Krautgarden school”.

The case to the removed memorial raises the question of the importance of remembering against the need to forget or to dispel. To truly forget, one needs to accept the past. This can only happen via the conscious recollection of the past.

Prime Minister Torsten Albig, in a speech in Kiel, spoke about the importance of remembering the deportation of Rroma in Germany. On 16 May 1940, 2.000 Rroma were arrested in northern Germany, “racially” evaluated and taken to concentration camps, where they were exterminated. The Prime Minister said: “We owe it to the victims of the Nazi genocide to keep the memory year after year. […] We remind with this ceremony a time where respect of others did not exist. We long for a fair relationship between majority and minority” (02elf evening paper). The request to consciously remember is contrary to the above dismantlement of a memorial in a school. Albig also stressed that the respectful handling of Rroma is a pan-European issue which requires a total commitment of Europe.


  • 02elf Abendblatt (2013) Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig zur Gedenkfeier für deportierte Sinti und Roma: Erinnerung Jahr für Jahr wachhalten. In: 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt vom 16.5.2013.
  • Jacob, Claudia (2013) Sinti und Roma endlich gleichbehandeln. In: Bundes Presseportal vom 16.5.2013.
  • Mück-Raab, Marion (2013) Ort der Erinnerung entsorgt. In: TAZ vom 15.5.2013. 