19.11.2014 Rroma in Austria: Rudolf Sarközi and the Holocaust

Rudolf Sarközi, Holocaust survivor and founder of the “Cultural Association of Austrian Roma” is celebrating his seventieth birthday. Sarközi has won several awards for his commitment to the Rroma: “Almost to the day 70 years ago, Rudolf Sarközi was born in the Nazi detention camp in Lackenbach (district Oberpullendorf). Of the approximately 4,000 imprisoned Roma and Sinti in Lackenbach, only a few hundred survived the Holocaust – one of them was Sarközi. On Saturday, at the memorial in Lackenbach, one was commemorating the people murdered by the Nazis. Gymnasium students of Oberpullendorf and young Roma and Sinti co-created the celebration with touching speeches. Sarközi, chairman of Austrian Roma, found clear words: “I hope that the young in the group can say one day that we are not disadvantaged.” At the memorial event, Governor Hans Niessl (SPÖ) and regional vice Franz Steindl (ÖVP) presented Professor Sarközi one of the highest awards in Burgenland: the Commander’s Cross. “The fact that Roma and Sinti today have equal rights as other ethnic groups would not have been possible without the commitment of Rudolf Sarközi”, said the governor” (Kurier 2014, compare Salzburg24 2014).
