19.11.2014 Stereotype coverage of Rroma

Hürlimann (2014) reports on the November 18th press conference of the Rroma Foundation. The foundation presented the results of their five-year study on the coverage of Rroma in the Swiss German print media. The conclusion is dismal: The representation of the minority is almost entirely negative, whereby the different newspapers (NZZ, Blick, 20 Minuten, Tages-Anzeiger, Beobachter, Weltwoche, Wochenzeitung (WOZ)) only minimally differ in their one-sided view of the Rroma. Hürlimann comments: “According to the study, the yet very different eight newspapers only differ in shades regarding the stereotyped, negative image of Roma. This essentially conveys the message that most Roma are poor, uneducated, criminal, poorly integrated and live in archaic-patriarchal clan structures. Stéphane Laederich does not deny that there are such Roma, also in this country. However, he stresses that the vast majority of Roma live unobtrusively and well integrated in Switzerland – but barley dare to out themselvers because of the widespread, one-sided views of the minority. […] The Roma Foundation suggests that about 80,000 Roma live in Switzerland. If one outs oneself as Rom or Romni, one is immediately asked whether one can read and write or at least dance, Stéphane Laederich states: “Would one report about other minorities as one does about the Roma? And doesn’t history teach us, where such prejudice can lead to, how dangerous they are?, the director points out.” The majority of Rroma are integrated are discriminated against by this one-sided reporting and are continuously confronted unjustly with massive prejudices. These misrepresentations, which amounts to intellectual arson, is important to be critically questioned and replaced with a balanced, differentiated journalism that fulfils its responsibility of a realistic representation of the world. Unfortunately, of 470 invited journalists, only four accepted the offering of a critical dialogue (compare Héron 2014).  

Download Study: https://www.rroma.org/reports/reports-nav/ch_berichterstattung_final.pdf
