1st Roma Biennale

The Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin is showcasing the first Roma Biennale April 7th to 10th.
Here the trailer, the Facebook page, and the Facebook page of the Maxim Gorki Theatre.

– https://youtu.be/0Z2fk9zbDkY
– https://www.facebook.com/RomaBiennale/videos/158046044896609/
– https://www.facebook.com/maximgorkitheaterberlin/?hc_ref=ARReKnPHoxqdCmd_VzL13PeCdEUOLMVCB_11CKrGL7v8VxFceS1RQQhxngojG7JglSw [link-preview url=”https://youtu.be/0Z2fk9zbDkY “]

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