Twelve people from the region Pognau were indicted by the Court for Constitutional Protection for hate speech. In early September of 2013, the individuals in question had called for action against travelling Rroma who legally stayed next to the ski jump in Bischofshofen. They threatened them both verbally and physically, and on the internet, called for the final solution against the Rroma. The possible punishment is of up to two years in prison (Salzburg24 2013, Salto, 2013).
- Salto (2013) Roma-Hetzer angezeigt. In: Salto online vom 20.12.2013.
- Salzburg24 (2013) Nach Eskalation mit Roma in Bischofshofen: Zwölf Anzeigen wegen Verhetzung. In: Salzburg24 online vom 18.12.2013.