Daily Archives: mars 14, 2014

14.03.2014 The Rroma build part of French Society

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Vincent (2014) reports on an agreement that the French government has concluded with the national society for social housing (Adoma). In contrast to Sarkozy’s government, Vincent argues, the socialist government slowly but surely realizes that the Rroma debate is not an issue of migration but a problem of housing. However, there is a problem with the plan to move Rroma from the camps into social housing: in the Ile-de-France, where according to an assessment two-thirds of the immigrant Rroma stay, too few apartments are available. The temporary allocation into hotels in the agglomeration often hinders the schooling of the children and the autonomy of families. The so-called “insertion villages” are not a long-term solution and are also very costly. On behalf of the government and the society for social housing, the sub-prefect Jérôme Normand now conducts a survey on the situation in the slums and the insertion villages. With the collected information on the population of the settlements, the allocation to social housing is expected to be better coordinated. However, a fundamental problem remains the financing of the social housing: “The great weakness of all these initiatives is their funding. The funds from which Adoma has profited, will have to be rapidly increased on the basis of urgency loans. The budget that was allocated to the integration policy, that in particular finances the French courses, fell by 3% in 2014 [ … ].”

14.03.2014 The integration of the Rroma and the French mayoral elections

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Bourgeot (2014) reports on the plans of the socialist mayor of Roubaix, Pierre Duboix, to build a second “integration village” for immigrant Rroma. Duboix pointed to his plans during a discussion about the communal life. The location of the village is not set yet. With these plans, the socialist mayor offers a target for his conservative rival, UMP politician Guillaume Delbar, who argues against Duboixs plans : “I want to remind you that the creation of ghettos assembles an extremely precarious and dangerous population. [ … ] The solution of the Rroma problem is the integration of those who really want to integrate themselves, not the creation of ghettos.” The debate on the willingness of Rroma to integrate is conducted extremely one-sided in French politics, in particular during upcoming elections. Many politicians, from the socialist as wells as from the conservative camp, allege the Rroma lacking will to integrate. With these assumptions they complicate a successful integration of the Rroma. That most Rroma want to integrate and lead a normal life, is beyond question.

In Saint-Denis, a dispute has evolved over the voting rights of a local Rroma group of 80 people. The socialist candidate Mathieu Hanotin has filed a complaint at the local district court questioning the legitimacy of the voting rights of the immigrant Rroma, who are accused of not having a proof of residency. The current communist mayor of Saint-Denis, Didier Paillard, meanwhile rejects Hanotin’s accusations that registering these Rroma is electoral fraud: “But Hanotin pushes his accusations further. He suspects that the Rroma application was coordinated by confidants of the mayor, to rebut the suspicion of “kick back” in exchange for their votes” (Equy 2014).

14.03.2014 “Students should learn more about Sinti and Roma”

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The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2014) reports on the plan of the ministry of culture of the state of Hessen, to expand the teaching on the history of the Rroma. Students should in the future be better informed about the centuries of persecution and exclusion of the Rroma. Therefore, the ministry of culture, together with the association of Hessian Sinti and Rroma, has created a brochure that will be distributed to all schools of the state till summer. In addition, the Hessen government will increase its support for the minority: “It is important that Gypsies can preserve their ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious identity”, said chief minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) in Wiesbaden at the signing of the agreement with the national association of Sinti and Roma. The paper addresses, among other things, the need to end discrimination and to promote the cultural identity and language”. Knowledge about the history and culture of the Rroma is often permeated with misinformation. Therefore, an objective, differentiated teaching about the Rroma is anything but an easy task. The prime minister of Hessians, Volker Bouffier, announced in his statement that the country is now fulfilling its historical responsibility. Adam Strauss, chairman of the Hessian association of Sinti and Rroma, called it shameful that many Rroma still keep their identity a secret out of fear of being discriminated. This must change now (see Focus online 2014, von Bebenburg 2014, Journal Frankfurt 2014, Die Welt 2014).

14.03.2014 Stereotypes: Rroma and begging in the canton of Vaud

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Jean-Pierre Tabin, professor of sociology at the College of social work and health in Lausanne, published a book about the policy towards the Roma in the canton of Vaud. The publication is based on research that was conducted between 2011 and 2013 in the streets of Lausanne. Tabin and his team studied who begs, who gives and how beggars live. He qualifies clichéd ideas that one earns a lot of money with begging, as well as stereotypes about Rroma, who are not automatically parts of organized begging networks. In the public discourse begging is often deemed a crime that needs to be punished. Through this line of reasoning poverty, poverty-migration, and the causes that lead to poverty are criminalized, Tabin argues (RTS 2014).

14.03.2014 Pogrom against Rroma in Naples

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Roberts (2014) reports on a pogrom against Rroma in Naples, with little sympathy for the Rroma side. In response to an alleged attack by two Rroma on a 16-year-old Italian girl, a 50-person mob rushed to the local Rroma camp and threatened the residents with stones. Only the intervention of the police prevented the worst. Roberts gives the last word to the mayor of the fourth district, Armando Coppola. In his statement, he shows no sympathy for the Rroma: “Residents have already had to put up with thefts and obscene acts by the gypsies who are inclined to urinate in the street. […] I have requested the council to order the immediate eviction of the camp. Otherwise the justifiable exasperation of the citizens of Poggioreale will no longer be controllable.” The comments section of the article is filled with racist remarks from readers who praise the violence of the mob. These unscrupulous, hateful actions and statements against the Rroma give food for thought. Italy, as other European countries, has been repeatedly criticized for its repressive policy against the minority.

  • Roberts, Hannah (2014) Dozens of Romas flee their camp after 50-strong mob attack their site following claims two of the gypsies had raped a local girl in Italy. In: Daily Mail online vom 12.3.2014.

14.03.2014 Dubious statistics confirm prejudices against Rroma

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The HM Inspectorate of Prisons (2014) published a study that nourishes false prejudices about an increased crime rate among Rroma. Although the study points out that the alleged affiliation rate of 5% of the detainees could be the result of social exclusion, they confirm at the same time one-sided conceptions of illiteracy and lack of education among Rroma. Rroma children are said to be particularly over-represented in prisons. The lack of education is cited as the main cause for the claimed increased crime rates among Rroma: “It has been suggested that Gypsy, Romany and Traveller groups are among the most excluded minority groups in the UK, and available research and data points to poorer health, educational and social outcomes. Of particular relevance to this paper are: difficulties with literacy, which have an impact on accessing services and jobs.” The authors of the study are not or not sufficiently aware that they hinder a successful integration of Rroma with the publication of these results, because these confirm prejudices. At the end, the study indicates that the department of justice has to apply efforts to better integrate the Rroma and Travellers, but the announcement of this intention doesn’t at all compensate the prejudices that are fuelled by the study (compare Barrett 2014, BBC 2014, Cottrell-Boyce 2014, Doyle 2014, The Guardian 2014).
