Daily Archives: mars 26, 2014

26.03.2014 The rise of the right-wing populists

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Reinecke (2014) reports on the new upsurge of nationalist parties in Europe. Until now, their influence has remained modest. However, especially in view of the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament, a reversal-trend is looming. A strong growth of nationalistically enclined voters has to be expected. In France, the share of votes for the National Front has already risen to 23 percent: “Admittedly, the conservatives and social democrats will retain the majority in the European Parliament. But if extreme right-wing Euro-sceptics become the strongest party in a core state of the EU – then that is a symbol. Something starts to slide: populism, fears of foreign domination and prosperity chauvinism become stronger.” Reinecke encourages not to stand idly in the face of this swing to the right, but to take action against those who question the free movement of persons and the European Economic zone. One should not simply shrug in reaction to the vote against the free movement of persons by Switzerland. Concerning Rroma, he names the political instrumentalisation of the ethnic group by right-wing publications such as the Weltwoche, which has repeatedly stirred up hatred against the minority. That such tendencies cannot be met with silence, can’t be stressed often enough.

Bade (2014) complements these reflexions with his thoughts on the German immigration debate. He begins with the economic idea that the increasing impoverishment of the middle and lower classes make more and more people susceptible to “defensive attitudes and scapegoat theories”: “In this dangerous mélange of problems and prospects, pragmatic evaluations, integration and socio-political as well as socio-legal discussions are burdened by cultural and socio-racial defensiveness from the context of negative integration. They are enforced by the populist exploitation of yet unknown issues for election purposes.” Bade therefore argues as Reinecke that the Rroma are exploited and abused by being designed as scapegoats for political debates about values and impoverishment. It is significant here that one never talks with but always about the Rroma. Through this, a highly one-sided image of the minority is actively encouraged.

Romani Rose, chairman of the central council of the German Sinti and Rroma, emphasized in an interview with the Südwest Presse (2014) his unease about the rise of right-wing groups and their modes of argumentation. He criticizes once more the political instrumentalisation of the Rroma for campaign purposes and the equation of poverty-migration with the group of the Rroma: “This is a harmful discussion. In the last federal election campaign they wanted to poach votes from the right-wing „Alternative für Deutschland“ and the right-wing NPD. The NPD did not let itself slow down by this and advertised with the slogan “Better money for grandma than for Sinti and Roma”. With this, it left the level of our constitutional order. […] We demand guidelines in the election campaigns, which prohibit racist and discriminatory election propaganda. A legal basis is missing.” He perceives as particularly outrageous and frightening that despite the historical awareness of their discrimination, Rroma are blamed for social ills. The extreme right-wing parties are said to want to undermine the state of law. That is why it is so important that democratic parties defend the rule of law. A considerable fear to identify oneself as Rroma in the public remains. This fear of disclosing one’s own origin is a clear indicator of the still strongly rooted reservations of the majority against the minority.

26.03.2014 Stereotypes: Article about tricksters reinforces prejudices

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The Landbote (2014) reports on a case of confidence trickster in Winterthur. The article explains in detail the details of the crime, which revolves around the attempted fraud against a Swiss merchant. The perpetrators of the crime are called Serbian Rroma, which is a clear allusion to racist notions of culturally-related crime: “The merchant should have changed 240,000 francs for 200,000 euro and would have received a commission of 10,000 euro. In truth, the native Serbian Roma simply wanted to give the victim counterfeited euro notes.” Mentioning the ethnicity in connection with criminal offenses is unnecessary and nourishes misconceptions about culturally related crimes.

26.03.2014 Île-de-France: Rroma hindered at entering a bus

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Several French newspapers report about an incident in a public bus in the region of Île-de-France. A 23-year-old Rrom and his two colleagues were hindered at entering the bus 213 by the bus driver shouting with racist remarks at them. The bus driver massively insulted the Rroma and did not want to let them on the bus: “The Romanians walk, they do not get on the bus. I do not care, you can have two Navigo-passes, you will not get on my bus, the bus driver insisted. The bus is not public. You dirty Romanians, I do not like your visages. I take onto my bus who I want. […] Dirty Romanians, you are like dogs.” The Romanian Rroma has filed a complaint against the Parisian bus company Régie des transports autonomous Parisiens (RATP). A call for witnesses of the incident of the 28th of February was started. Meanwhile, RATP has urged all its bus drivers to accept all passengers unconditionally. – The event is thought-provoking, especially in the context of the strong growth of votes for the national-conservative Front National (Le Figaro 2014, Fouteau 2014, The Local, Metronews 2014, Respect Mag 2014).

26.03.2014 French mayoral elections: Rroma give their requests a voice

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Courtel (2014) reports on a group of Romanian Rroma who made use of their right to vote as EU-citizens and participated in the French municipal elections in Tourcoing. In addition to their EU-citizenship, they had to prove to be members of their community since more than six months. The participation of immigrant Rroma has mainly socio-political symbolism: in the media, they are accused again and again to not wanting to integrate. Now, they could actively demonstrate their desire for integration with their participation in the elections. Whether their specific demands – access to the labour market, material security – will be heard by the by the elected politicians is another question. Also in other municipalities in France, immigrant Rroma – which are usually visible in the media in contrast to the integrated ones – went voting: “The Rroma from Tourcoing are not the only ones: in Villeurbanne, in Saint-Denis, in Vitry … they also wanted to make use of their European legal rights and go voting. Some of them had access, the request of others was denied, under the pretext that they had no fixed domicile.” Based on the last example, the deprivation of the right to vote as a result of an ascribed homelessness, one can see how cultural stereotypes continue to influence reality. Most Rroma are not travellers.

On occasion of the French mayoral elections, Mathis (2014) reviews the statements of interior minister Manuel Valls towards Rroma. In September 2013, he alleged all Romanian Rroma a general unwillingness to integrate into French society: “The residents of the camps do not want to integrate into our country because of cultural reasons, or because they are in the hands of begging or prostitution networks.” Mathis identifies Valls expressions as deeply shameful and populist, as a disgrace for a French minister. Valls remarks are a clear case of state racism against a minority, a reductionist populism, which does not differ between different individuals of a group. The Rroma are Europeans, both politically and historically, this can not be repeated often enough.

26.03.2014 End discrimination against Rroma in the health care system

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Jovanovic (2014) reports on the still poor access of Rroma to the European health care system. This is reflected in lower life expectancy, increased sensitivity to various diseases and outright discrimination in health institutions. The widespread poverty among Rroma additionally hinders their access to good health care. On the occasion of this large deficit, the European Commission launched a conference with the aim to reduce discrimination when accessing health care. For Rroma, this means better participation in the implementation of health programs. The Rroma need to be more involved in the conception and execution of these programs. It is frightening that the topic does not end with discrimination, but there are still deliberate physical interventions such as sterilizations, that are performed: “When Roma are segregated from other patients, coerced into sterilization during childbirth, given substandard treatment, or told to go elsewhere for follow-up, all Europeans are degraded. It is a shocking irony that many of us should experience such harm at the very hospitals and clinics that ought to provide us with support and care. The result is costly for Europe’s economy and for health systems. Europe’s Roma population is young — the average age of Roma is only 25 — but too many of us lack the education and training needed to enter the labor market, resulting in the loss of 175 million euros each year, according to the World Bank.”

26.03.2014 “Admission for Gypsy strictly forbidden”: prohibition sign triggers furore

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The Local (2014) informs on a prohibition sign at a bakery in Rome, which prohibits members of the Rroma minority any access. The bakery in the neighbourhood of Tuscolano had a sign with the words “entry for Gypsy strictly prohibited” (È severamente vietato l’ingresso agli Zingari) placed in the shop window. The Rroma organization 21 lugio criticized the sign as analogous to racist practices under National Socialism and apartheid. After the bakery received an anonymous complaint, they removed the sign from the shop window. However, it is very worrying how much approval the prohibition sign obtained, despite some protests: “But in some quarters of Rome the bakery owners got full support.“It’s right – they’re all thieves,” one city shop-keeper told The Local. “You have to be careful around them, how can you distinguish between a good and a bad one?” she said, not giving her name. Another shop owner lamented that only yesterday she had been robbed by someone from a traveller community.” The passive tolerance of such discrimination by a large part of the majority population is especially worrisome, as it is what makes such racism possible.
