Daily Archives: avril 30, 2015

Obama mourns Dachau victims

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Obama mourns Dachau victims

US President Barack Obama mourned the victims of the Dachau concentration camp on the 70th anniversary of its liberation by Allied troops. He stated that: “Dachau is a lesson in the evolution of darkness, how unchecked intolerance and hatred spiral out of control.” and he cited Rroma and Sinti victims. He vowed that such a thing should never happen again.

François Hollande remembers Rroma victims

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The French president François Hollande mourned the victims of the only Nazi concentration camp on the French territory – The Struthof. During his visit, he mentioned the Rroma victims who are too often overlooked and forgotten.

Sweden Municipality hires wrong translators

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Sweden Municipality hires wrong translators

The Swedish municipality of Helsingborg hired Rroma translators instead of Romanian translators in order to communicate with Romanian immigrants. Needless to say that most Romanians did not understand a word, showing that contrary to people’s beliefs, not all Romanian immigrants are Rroma …

Bologna: A campaign against discrimination

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Bologna: A campaign against discrimination

The Italian press reports on a campaign in Bologna against discrimination of migrants. Once again (we already reported on this), the campaign focuses on Rroma. The theme has always been immigrants and work, and shows posters of Rroma who work in various jobs.

Well done.

Frances defends itself on Rroma policies at the UN

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Frances defends itself on Rroma policies at the UN

France had to defend itself in the United Nation after having been criticised on its policies towards Rroma, especially in their camp closures as well as for tolerating an increasingly anti Rroma discourse in the country. Noting that the prime minister Valls himself made statements that can only be qualified as very depreciatory if not racist towards Rroma (they cannot integrate etc.), one cannot but agree with this assessment of the UN.

France insisted that its policies were not geared against minorities but rather were done because of the illegal nature of these camps and also to “protect” their inhabitants against insalubrious living condition. The latter argument could be taken as valid if France would respect its own recommendations to find alternative lodging to people in those camps.

France: Camps closure again, and a few other news …

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France: Camps closure again, and a few other news …

A camp was closed and evacuated in Nantes, this case a camp of Manouches, as these were in caravans and cars. In Pringy, Rroma are squatting a disaffected factory.

The mud that was dumped on a Rroma camp in Hautbourdin in the north of France still makes the news, this time on a report of people helping Rroma in the region to integrate; and in Nantes, the press reports that for picking up the Mai lily.
