Monthly Archives: avril 2015

Slovenia observes International Roma Day

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Slovenia observes the international Roma day with the presence of the Culture minister. This country has a tiny Rroma minority. Unfortunate choice of picture on the article which furthers standard stereotypes… But discussion is always welcomed.

Addressing Anti-Tziganism …

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Addressing Anti-Tziganism …

An important part of the fight against prejudices towards Rroma is learning about their history and previous persecutions, such as the Holocaust. This is key, for only when one deals with one’s past can one actually shape one’s future.

The article assess that there have not been sufficient efforts to change the perceptions towards Rroma in the general population and only when this occurs, can one hope for a better future.

Turkey: Main opposition party fields a Rrom candidate

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Turkey: Main opposition party fields a Rrom candidate

Turkish opposition Republican’s People party fielded a Rrom candidate in one of the Western Turkish provinces in Izmir. The Rrom candidate in on fifth position in the party’s list for that circumscription. We wish him all the luck!

Rroma in Rome denounce savage attack by police

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Rroma in Rome denounce savage attack by police

Rroma in Rome’s outskirts are denouncing what they qualify as a savage attack against hem by the police which left a young girl injured after the police used pepper spray and guns against Rroma who had been displaced the night before due to fire in their immigrant reception centre the night before.

Canada: Systematic discrimination against Rroma refugees

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Canada: Systematic discrimination against Rroma refugees

CBC News report that Rroma refugees in Canada, mostly from Hungary, have been facing massive bias and discrimination in their cases. The report making this claim, authored by Sean Rehaag, a law professor, is damning for the immigration authorities in Canada. He speaks of “luck”, of little hope at appeals, and at denials at the actual situation of Rroma, especially in Hungary.

Abandoned or biracial children, and Gypsies

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Abandoned or biracial children, and Gypsies

Yet another photographer who “arrives” at Rroma through the bias of poor, abandoned, or bi-racial children. The list is alas long, and tends to portray Rroma through those themes, rather than as a minority. While the pictures are beautiful, the message is unfortunately the same: Poor, non integrable Rroma…

In Belgium, stereotypes and the press

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In Belgium, stereotypes and the press

Belgium’s federal centre for equality of chances is organising meetings between the media and Rroma representatives to combat negative stereotypes in the press and to further a Rroma voice in the articles. They note that only two out 74 articles allowed Rroma to present their point of view.

About time…

Rroma camps, thieves, and the usual clichés … France

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Rroma camps, thieves, and the usual clichés … France

Rroma camps still make the headlines in France. As if a small minority of 15 thousand Rroma was representative and was news. News is that they are being used, misused, and are becoming victims of French politics.

In Marseilles, a camp was closed; while in Antibes, the expulsion will have to wait a little; and in the North, around Roubaix, volunteers and Rroma are still mobilising to further integration and to prevent further expulsions; and in the South West of France, an expulsion of Bulgarian Rroma is reported while in Antibes, they are getting a short respite. Finally, In Nantes, a judge granted a permanent address to Rroma currently living in a camp, are-requisite to any integration in France.

The real pity is not the fate of these migrants, it is the fact that the French Press can’t seem to get over their short sighted stereotypes…