Daily Archives: juin 16, 2015

Bulgaria: Garmen tensions continue

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In the night of the 15th, a group of unknown people tried to storm the Rroma neighbourhood of Garmen. This is the latest escalation in a series of confrontations between Rroma and general population in that village. The confrontation centres on the will of the municipality to destroy “illegal” buildings, i.e. houses built without permits or landownership. This overwhelmingly affects poor Rroma.

This is dangerous, especially since there were until recently very few tensions between Rroma and the general population in that country.

How Dumb …

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How Dumb …

A report on a drug raid in Mallorca. Can we ask the dear journalist why the use of “Roma and Sinti” … Besides the fact that this is like saying Londoner and Brits, the majority of Rroma in Spain are Gitanos who call themselves either that or Cale. So if politically correct, please inform yourself.
