Monthly Archives: juillet 2015

Ozd, Hungary: Far right mayor and Rroma

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Ozd, Hungary: Far right mayor and Rroma

The Jobbik (far right party) mayor of Ozd, in Hungary is taking a tough stance on Rroma, accusing them of, in their large majority, of being destructive. These populist statements, coupled with de-facto slave labour (Közmunca) where a majority of Rroma are forced to toil in 19th century fashion, are not going to resolve the problem of unemployment in the Hungarian countryside. By the way, everyone is out of a job in the countryside. Not only Rroma. And 3 Mio people live under the poverty level, not all Rroma.

Poking fun – No Comment on Taste

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An article in Watson pokes fun at the media fascination in Switzerland with the Rroma wedding near Zurich. Noting that where does Switzerland goes if Farmers do what they want with their land, but also noting that 20 Minutes said that as the population was on holidays, there were concern about potential thefts, clearly equating Rroma with thieves.

Let’s challenge these idiotic stereotypes!

France, the chronicle …

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France, the chronicle …

New camps, old camps, old stories: New camp in Paris in the 18th district on an old disaffected train line; manifestation in Saint Ouen next to Paris with Rroma sleeping in front of the city hall; In Bonneuil, an expulsion; a fire in a camp near Marseilles; and in Bobigny, near Paris, a camps that existed since 2011 is now going to be closed.

Next Romanian Consul in Bonn is a Rrom

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Next Romanian Consul in Bonn is a Rrom

The next consul of Romania in Bonn, Germany (and the former capital) is a Rrom. Should not be a surprise, as they are indeed integrated Rroma, but nevertheless nice.

Denying Holocaust illegal in Romania

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Denying Holocaust illegal in Romania

Romania has signed a legislation making it illegal to deny the Holocaust and forbids the promotion of the fascist legionnaire’s movement. Around 280’000 Jews, and officially 11’000 Rroma (there were more) were killed in Romania during the fascist regime of Antonescu. Recently, as in other neighbouring countries, there have been voices to rewrite this chapter of history.


Czech Philharmonic and Rroma Children in Slovakia

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13 members of the Czech Philharmonic will play together with Rroma children in Slovakia as part of the actions from Ida Kelarova, a Rromani singer who is engaged in helping children and Rroma integration.

Needham: Rroma and missing children

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Needham: Rroma and missing children

Again, a stereotype: Police questions a Rroma family over the disappearance in 1991 (YES!) of a boy.

Please get it right, either Rroma steal babies, or they have too many of them. Make up your mind but stop this garbage.

New Head of the Rroma Education Fund

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New Head of the Rroma Education Fund

A new head of the Rroma Education Fund (REF) in Budapest was nominated. It is Andrzje Mirga, from Poland. An interview and more about the education fund.

Garmen: Rroma and locals can no longer cohabitate

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Garmen: Rroma and locals can no longer cohabitate

The situation in Garmen is still making the headlines. A reportage and overview of the current situation in that village and of the increasing ethnic tensions.

European Commission scolds Hungary

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European Commission scolds Hungary

The European commission scolded Hungary for having segregated schools for Rroma which violate the EU directives on Rroma integration. Hungary has now some time to remedy the situation. Let’s see…

Well done and about time!

Photos of a Bulgarian Rrom in France

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Photos of a Bulgarian Rrom in France

The French newspaper Liberation followed a young Rroma Child from Bulgaria and his family over a period of 6 months, documenting the illegal camps, expulsions, the social housing, etc. A face to the current plight of ca. 20’000 Rroma in France.

Meeting Sinti and Rroma in Munich

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Meeting Sinti and Rroma in Munich

A mix between a theatre performance and a walk through a neighbourhood of Munich aims at showing the general public the Rroma and Sinti from their city and help reduce the existing stereotypes and prejudice.


Toulouse: Opposition to a new integration village

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Toulouse: Opposition to a new integration village

Local opposition is stiffening against the planned establishment in Toulouse of a second insertion village, a settlement where 32 Rroam families will find place to facilitate their integration.

We hope that the project will go ahead, as the first such village has proven to be a success.