Daily Archives: juillet 5, 2015

Turkey: Police Razzia in Edirne

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Nearly 700 members of the Turkish riot and security police descended on the Rroma Neighbourhood of Edirne at 5 AM on 1st of July. This razzia was officially due to state security and 44 people were detained on charges of looting, disturbing the peace, threats, and resistance against the police. The police is said to have said “How happy is he who can say he is a Turk”

The Rroma minority in Turkey is quite discriminated but actions such as the one in Edirne and the racist slogans are new. Unfortunately.

Lausanne: New beggars

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An article about newly arrived beggars in Lausanne, beggars who are more aggressive and younger that the “local” ones, i.e. the ones who have been in Lausanne for several years. It is not clear from the article where these new beggars are coming from nor whether they really all are Rroma.

Travellers, Rroma, Sinti, Jenische

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Following requests for some camps for travellers in the region of Biel/Bienne in Switzerland, the unfortunately usual discussion about who is what started anew in the press. Who are Jenische (Swiss travellers, also present in France, Germany, Austria); Sinti, who in Switzerland are often intermarried with Jenische but otherwise come from France, Germany and Italy; Rroma, whom the Swiss understand as “Foreign Travellers”, who are mostly French and German Rroma etc…

OSCE tells Hungary to sort out Rroma housing

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The OSCE stated in a report, that greater effort were required in Hungary to find sustainable non discriminatory housing solution for Hungary’s Rroma minority. Well done, and yet another proof of what is really going on there.

Schools, children, expulsions …

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Meanwhile in France, the usual expulsions, defence, squats still make the headlines. In the University of Paris 8, the right for children to go to school is at the centre; in Ivry, near Paris, 73 families have to leave their camp; in the South West, two families are also expulsed; while in the Paris region, tensions are reported near a Rroma camp.

Valls again …

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The French prime minister has against to defend himself in court for his statements in 2013 whereby Rroma cannot and do not want to integrate. He was cleared in court already on this topic, but the associations that cited him in court are now appealing this verdict.

French Mayor accused discrimination

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The mayor of Sucy-en-Brie Marie-Carole Ciuntu was accused of discrimination for having refused to enrol 5 Rroma children in school ass they did not have a proper “attestation de domicile”, a proof of residency. The mayor was cleared in court.

Lille, Martine Aubry, and Rroma

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A controversy in France regarding Martine Aubry the mayor of the Northern city of Lille: This socialist ex-minister reportedly consulted Rroma migrants on the issues they are facing. According to one of them, she “saw us, did what she wanted to do, and kicked us out”… So much for empathy and socialist ideals.

Trial in France

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The trial of René Galinier, 78 years old pensioner in France, accused of having deliberately shot two young Rroma burglar girls back in 2010 opened this week. This resulted in a number of articles in the press in France.

One needs to ask the question whether the fact that the burglars were Rroma is relevant here beyond just putting all Rroma in the same pot of the thieves, beggars, etc. The journalists should learn!
