Daily Archives: juillet 26, 2015

European Commission scolds Hungary

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European Commission scolds Hungary

The European commission scolded Hungary for having segregated schools for Rroma which violate the EU directives on Rroma integration. Hungary has now some time to remedy the situation. Let’s see…

Well done and about time!

Photos of a Bulgarian Rrom in France

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Photos of a Bulgarian Rrom in France

The French newspaper Liberation followed a young Rroma Child from Bulgaria and his family over a period of 6 months, documenting the illegal camps, expulsions, the social housing, etc. A face to the current plight of ca. 20’000 Rroma in France.

Meeting Sinti and Rroma in Munich

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Meeting Sinti and Rroma in Munich

A mix between a theatre performance and a walk through a neighbourhood of Munich aims at showing the general public the Rroma and Sinti from their city and help reduce the existing stereotypes and prejudice.


Toulouse: Opposition to a new integration village

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Toulouse: Opposition to a new integration village

Local opposition is stiffening against the planned establishment in Toulouse of a second insertion village, a settlement where 32 Rroam families will find place to facilitate their integration.

We hope that the project will go ahead, as the first such village has proven to be a success.

French Camp Chronicle

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French Camp Chronicle

And the cat and mouse game goes on. Camps were closed in Bobogny, near Paris; in the Val the Marne, were Rroma were expulsed of a house; while in the north, near Lille, a judge needs to decide whether a camps will be closed or not.

Évacuation du camp rom des Couteaux de Roubaix: le juge se prononcera le 10 août. In: Nord Éclair. 21.07.2015. http://www.nordeclair.fr/info-locale/evacuation-du-camp-rom-des-couteaux-de-roubaix-le-juge-se-ia50b12891n808772

Šutka TV: A Rroma TV in the middle of Paris

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A television in part in Rromanes, in the middle of the French capital. The television was established in 2012 by a Rroma from Macedonia who lives in France, and the television aims at helping Rroma to integrate better in French society. The TV chanel is called after the Šutka, the largest Rroma settlement in Skopje.

A reportage on French TV, prime time.


Rome pledges to shut down Rroma camps

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Rome pledges to shut down Rroma camps

At long last, the Rroma camps – veritable ghettos that surround the Italian capital will be dismantled. Italian court have found the Rome municipality to be guilty of racial discrimination in the setup of these camps, camps that were established by the municipality, with the police and NGOs.


Bucharest, Drugs, and Rroma

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Bucharest, Drugs, and Rroma

A reportage on Rroma drug addicts in Bucharest and on the lack of help that they face. Not even clean needles are available for all, resulting in a high rate of infections such as HIV and hepatitis C. Many of the addicts come from the infamous “orphanages”.

A MUST read.

More on the Rroma wedding

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More on the Rroma wedding

The Rroma wedding in Zurich filled the Swis German papers yesterday and probably will continue to do so for a while. 600 Rroma, nearly a 100 caravans, all for a wedding. A farmer rented them the field.

Rroma policemen in the UK

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Rroma policemen in the UK

Following the issue with police officers posting racist comments on Rroma and other minorities on Facebook, Rroma police officers are trying to counter the prevailing prejudices that exist within the force.

Best wishes!

Travellers and Rroma

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Travellers and Rroma

An article about the cohabitation of “gens du voyage” – the French version of Travellers, and Rroma. Travellers is used in France to denote both non-Rroma as well as Manouches and other local travelling Rroma, while Rroma (Roms in France) is a term that is only used to denote the “foreigners”. This is a remake of the Sinti and Rroma that we know from Germany, although all are Rroma.

More on the racism in the Met Police

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More on the racism in the Met Police

Following the recent disclosure of the existence of a Facebook page used by UK Met police officers to rant against minorities and Rroma in particular, more articles have appeared in the Press and Scotland Yard is investigating the case.

Let’s hope that there will be a clear outcome.

Rroma wedding near Zurich

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Rroma wedding near Zurich

Again a case of a Rroma wedding near Zurich were roughly 70 caravans gathered to celebrate a wedding. These travelling Rroma are from France and Germany (with a corresponding passport) and are members of a pentacostal church. A farmer rented them his land for 5’000 Swiss Francs. People in the village are annoyed and are asking why nothing is being done by the police.

A typical controversy, including the fact that people defecate in the open, and thus befoul the region and adjacent wood.

But the WORST are the commentaries: Bigots and racists seem to love these news.

  • Hunderte Roma feiern Hochzeit. Nürensdorf stinkts. In: Blick. 22.07.2015. http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/zuerich/hunderte-roma-feiern-hochzeit-nuerensdorf-stinkts-id3997122.html

Hamburg: Protest against deportations

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Hamburg: Protest against deportations

Around 600 people – mostly Rroma – protested in Hamburg against the deportation of refugees back to their home countries, a policy Germany now strictly enforces for so-called “safe” countries. That these countries are not so safe and secure if you are part of a minority seems not to be taken into account, thus actually violating the rights of the refugees.

Let’s hope this will show results!

Garmen, again. Petition against “illegal” Rroma housing

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Bulgarian protesters from the village of Garmen deposited a petition in Sofia with 720 signatures against the postponement of the demolition of illegal building in the village. These protesters want all Rroma houses destroyed immediately.

A shame, and a solution should be found to regularise these houses now.

Meanwhile in France: Further camp news

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Meanwhile in France: Further camp news

Some news of the camps in France: In Bagnolet, near Paris, Bulgarian Rroma buried a man and his daughter who died during a fire; in Roubaix, in the North, activists take 60 Rroma to the sea; in Loos, also in the North, an article about the street with a prison, a Rroma camp and an unused land; while in Vaulx-en-Vélin, near Lyon, cohabitation seems to be difficult; and finally the MRAP (Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peoples) denounces what they deem a “real harassment” of Rroma in Lyon.

Potential new “insertion village” for Rroma in Toulouse

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Potential new “insertion village” for Rroma in Toulouse

The city of Toulouse wants to open a second insertion village. The first one, created in 2013, currently lodges 24 families, and, according to the authorities, has been very successful at integrating the Rroma.

This is by far a better approach than chasing them from illegal camp to illegal camp…
