Daily Archives: août 10, 2015

Smart Girl

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Smart Girl

A young Rroma girl made it to the headline for having an IQ higher than Einstein and Hawkins. Good for her!

BUT !!!!

Why did all the papers dwell on her origins? Is it so surprising that there can be smart Rroma? All journalists seem somewhat surprised by this.

Nicole Barr, la giovane di 12 anni con il quoziente intellettivo maggiore di Albert Einstein. In: Huffington Post Italian Edition. 10.08.2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.it/2015/08/09/nicole-barr-quoziente-intellettivo_n_7961314.html?ncid=fcbklnkithpmg00000001

Attacks on Rroma in Sweden

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Attacks on Rroma in Sweden

Sweden’s tolerance seems to crumble as an attack on a Romanian Rroma migrant shows. The influx of migrants from Syria and from the Balkan is polarising Sweden.

“Gypsy Boss” expelled from Denmark

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“Gypsy Boss” expelled from Denmark

A “Gypsy Boss” who became known following a TV documentary was condemned to 15 months in prison and expelled from Denmark.

What is NOT ACCEPTABLE, is that ethnicity is mentioned in such cases. Would one do it with a Jew, or with another minority? Criminals are criminals, and this has no connection to origins or ethnicity.


French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

As usual, a chronicle of the usual evictions, reactions, and other things happening in France in the context of camps and migrants. In Metz, the North East of France, a collective is accusing the police of harassment against Rroma; in Paris, a 5 years young Rrom dies, crushed by a lorry; in Toulouse, a camp will be evicted soon; a paper that is notably biased against Rroma publishes news on theft of gasoil by Rroma; and finaly in Toulose, the mayor and the opposition are all in agreement to have stopped the second integration village for Rroma in Paleficat.

Warning on modern racism

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Warning on modern racism

Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, warned against the modern racism against Rroma while at the commemorations of the Rroma Holocaust. We cannot but agree with him here.

In the article, the term of “Porajmos” is used. This term has often been put in conjunction with the Rroma Holocaust. Actually, it means a sexual rape, and is only understood in some Vlax dialects. This term should not be used at all in this context.

Hungary’s Future …

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Hungary’s Future …

A clear position to the current xenophobic views of the Hungarian government and on their attitude towards minorities. Hungary must face up to its past and to upcoming realities!

Far Right Posters in Stockholm’s subway

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Far Right Posters in Stockholm’s subway

A poster campaign by a far right group in the Stockholm’s subway is shocking. It re-iterates the usual stereotypes of forced begging, organised criminality, etc. Outrage was also directed at the subway authorities that allowed these posters to be hung.


Rome: The mayor wars of collapse

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Following the refugee wave and the roughly 8’000 thousands Rroma in Rome, the mayor is warning of a collapse of social services. He also complains about the fact that they give quite a bit of money for Rroma, but only 20% of Rroma children go to school…

Maybe, they should close the famous camps and cut the subsidies to those who profit from them, and instead work on real integration!

Le Pen and details

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Le Pen and details

A summary of the elder le Pen’s sayings, including his famous analogy between Rroma and birds based on the fact that “voler” in French means both to fly and to steal.


Better die here than go back

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Better die here than go back

Interesting articles on refugees, and on the side on Rroma who share the plight.

Wedding in Switzerland: A more differentiated view

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Wedding in Switzerland: A more differentiated view

At least a journalist who went inside the camp! A view on the Rroma who have been filling Swiss Newspapers with the wedding near Zurich. Some facts on life, work, and on religion, as these are evangelical, and on the fact that Rroma are not welcome on places for travellers in Switzerland.
