Daily Archives: août 16, 2015

Little Smart Girl: More background

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Little Smart Girl: More background

More background to the girl whose IQ beats that of Einstein and Hawkins. Chilling to read that discrimination is ripe in England against Rroma and Travellers.

Camping Rroma in Stuttgart

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Camping Rroma in Stuttgart

Around 40 Rroma from Romania and Bulgaria are currently camping the castle’s park. This is common in France, with the illegal camps, but is definitively new in Germany. To be watched.

Ukraine: Human rights for minorities under threat

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In Crimea and in the Dombass (where the new autonomous region is being carved out), human rights for minorities, for Tatars and Rroma, but also for LGBT and religious minorities are under threat. There is an increased discrimination against them, something we can testify for the Rroma in that region.

Italian right against refugees

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Italian right against refugees

Chilling report on Italy and on some of the proposed measures of mayors to prevent refugees, and of course Rroma, from settling in their towns. Bulldozing camps, burning down empty houses, or even building a wall around the town.

Back to the middle ages!

French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

Some more news from the French migration scene… The Church in St. Ouen; expulsion in Grenoble; reprieve in Roubaix; and an article of what happened after an eviction.

Belgrade: Rroma refuges facing eviction

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Belgrade: Rroma refuges facing eviction

Rroma refugees from Kosovo who fled to Serbia are anxiously awaiting a decision of the European Court for Human Right as to whether they can be evicted from their current informal settlements.

That they still live in ghettoes 16 years later in INADMISSIBLE.

France oldest Slum to be razed

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France’s oldest slum in la Courneuve near Paris is soon going to be dismantled. Its 300 inhabitants face an uncertain future.

Germany: Green party says Kosovo is not a safe country

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Germany: Green party says Kosovo is not a safe country

Germany’s Green party says that Kosovo is not a safe country for Rroma. BRAVO and at last.

Kosovo was nearly totally ethnically cleansed from Rroma in 1999 with roughly 90% of all Rroma leaving. Today, there are less than 20’000 Rroma in that country. The others cannot go back. Their houses and properties are occupied, and no one will tolerate their return. Definitively not safe.

Sziget Festival

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Sziget Festival

The Sziget (Island) festival in Budapest is by now an institution. Several Rroma groups appear there, although the old “Rroma Tent” has been discontinued. Yesterday saw Gogol Bordello, but the program continues!

Two positive actions in France

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Two positive actions in France

A young Hungarian / Romanian Rrom in la Courneuve is fighting against the looming expulsion that threaten his camp with the help of several associations; and a mobilisation of neighbours to prevent the expulsion of Rroma in Lille in the North of France.

Padova, Italy: Populist mayor uses the refugees

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Padova, Italy: Populist mayor uses the refugees

Massimo Bitonci, the mayor of Padova, is literally fuming against refugees and tries by all means to get rid of them. He has also little good to say to Roma in general. This is DANGEROUS.

German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

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German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

A visit together with Romani Rose, president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, in Auschwitz. One thing can be said: In Germany, they deal with the past. Some other countries should follow.

French Chronicle

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A few French stories: One on integration in the North; one on mobilisation in Lilles; and one of a camp that was abandoned close to Paris.
