Daily Archives: août 30, 2015

The Vice President of the German Bundestag on Refugees

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The Vice President of the German Bundestag on Refugees

An interview of the vice president of the German Bundestag (Parliament) on the issue of refugees and about possible solution. What is interesting, is that when asked about the influx of asylum seekers from Balkan states, she summarises them all as “Rroma and Sinti”… Another generalisation!

La Courneuve: The Communist mayor attempts to explain himself

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La Courneuve: The Communist mayor attempts to explain himself

The communist mayor of la Courneuve attempts to justify himself about his decision to close the camp in la Courneuve. In doing so, he takes the same position as the National Front people or the governmental parties stating that the sanitary condition requires the closure.

What is really required is a solution, not an expulsion!

Serbian Refugees in Germany: 200’000 expulsions?

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Serbian Refugees in Germany: 200’000 expulsions?

According to German sources, as many as 200’000 asylum seekers from Serbia will be asked to leave Germany very soon. Already 24’000 have been told to leave. Two third of theses refugees are most probably Rroma.

Bulgaria: Arrests and no alternatives

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Bulgaria: Arrests and no alternatives

Rroma whose houses were destroyed in Varna have been arrested by the police, and the mayor declared that people who had built houses illegally are not entitles to a social housing alternative. In brief, they have been driven to the street.


Rroma Criminals in UK

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Rroma Criminals in UK

The UK press and of course also the Slovak are having a field day after a Rroma gang who had been trafficking young Rroam women from Slovakia to the UK was condemned.

Once again, the deed of a few Rroma is taken as a sign that the entire minority is in fact criminal. This is surely not the case, but is always presented as such in the Press.

La Courneuve: More support against the eviction

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La Courneuve: More support against the eviction

More support for the Rroma of La Courneuve. 37’000 signatures to the petition, and by the Human Right Ombudsman, Jacques Toubon. Nice that Mr. Toubon has progressed, there was a time were he was a bit harsher towards minorities.

Wroclaw: Rroma Camp demolished

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Wroclaw: Rroma Camp demolished

New developments in Poland. A Rroma camp in Wroclaw was demolished. No alternatives were provided, and some of the residents lost all their belongings. A SHAME!

Clash between police and Rroma in Slovakia

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Clash between police and Rroma in Slovakia

There was a clash between police and Rroma in a Rroma settlement near Kosice in the East of the country. The police claims they were attacked by around 200 Rroma. The Rroma version is of course different. They say the police beat up a man sleeping outside. The truth will never fully be known, but the track record of the Police in Slovakia is bad.

Indirect discrimination: A case stemming from the Bulgarian electrical meters

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Based on a complaint of Rroma residents in Bulgaria against the placement of electricity meters (several metres above ground), the ruling on indirect discrimination from the European Court of Justice has a wide impact. An overview of the impact!

France: Romanian Policemen in Paris

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Romanian Police is patrolling Paris to “protect” against the “Rroma criminality”. Officially, this is to have people speaking Romanian. But the Romanian police has a very bad track record of racism against Rroma…


More French News …

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More French News …

A fire in a camp in Vaulx en Vélin in the Rhone valley; in Lille, the mayor’s office now wants to find solutions; while in a small village, there is a controversy as to whom installed Rroma on private lands…
