Monthly Archives: août 2015

France oldest Slum to be razed

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France’s oldest slum in la Courneuve near Paris is soon going to be dismantled. Its 300 inhabitants face an uncertain future.

Germany: Green party says Kosovo is not a safe country

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Germany: Green party says Kosovo is not a safe country

Germany’s Green party says that Kosovo is not a safe country for Rroma. BRAVO and at last.

Kosovo was nearly totally ethnically cleansed from Rroma in 1999 with roughly 90% of all Rroma leaving. Today, there are less than 20’000 Rroma in that country. The others cannot go back. Their houses and properties are occupied, and no one will tolerate their return. Definitively not safe.

Sziget Festival

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Sziget Festival

The Sziget (Island) festival in Budapest is by now an institution. Several Rroma groups appear there, although the old “Rroma Tent” has been discontinued. Yesterday saw Gogol Bordello, but the program continues!

Two positive actions in France

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Two positive actions in France

A young Hungarian / Romanian Rrom in la Courneuve is fighting against the looming expulsion that threaten his camp with the help of several associations; and a mobilisation of neighbours to prevent the expulsion of Rroma in Lille in the North of France.

Padova, Italy: Populist mayor uses the refugees

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Padova, Italy: Populist mayor uses the refugees

Massimo Bitonci, the mayor of Padova, is literally fuming against refugees and tries by all means to get rid of them. He has also little good to say to Roma in general. This is DANGEROUS.

German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

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German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

A visit together with Romani Rose, president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, in Auschwitz. One thing can be said: In Germany, they deal with the past. Some other countries should follow.

French Chronicle

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A few French stories: One on integration in the North; one on mobilisation in Lilles; and one of a camp that was abandoned close to Paris.

Expulsions and hard rules in Slovakia

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Expulsions and hard rules in Slovakia

The town of Banovce in Slovakia is implementing hard rules against the Rroma minority: If a family breaks public order or housing rules three times, it will be expulsed. These measures are meant to “protect” decent people from the noise and nuisance of the Rroma. In fact, this is an expulsion measure and as such cannot be tolerated.


Steinmeier and safe countries

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Steinmeier and safe countries

Foreign minister Steinmeier is justifying the extension the list of “safe countries” to make it more difficult for refugees from the Balkan.

Maybe, in the case of minorities, as a German, he should think twice about this…

Smart Girl

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Smart Girl

A young Rroma girl made it to the headline for having an IQ higher than Einstein and Hawkins. Good for her!

BUT !!!!

Why did all the papers dwell on her origins? Is it so surprising that there can be smart Rroma? All journalists seem somewhat surprised by this.

Nicole Barr, la giovane di 12 anni con il quoziente intellettivo maggiore di Albert Einstein. In: Huffington Post Italian Edition. 10.08.2015.

Attacks on Rroma in Sweden

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Attacks on Rroma in Sweden

Sweden’s tolerance seems to crumble as an attack on a Romanian Rroma migrant shows. The influx of migrants from Syria and from the Balkan is polarising Sweden.

“Gypsy Boss” expelled from Denmark

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“Gypsy Boss” expelled from Denmark

A “Gypsy Boss” who became known following a TV documentary was condemned to 15 months in prison and expelled from Denmark.

What is NOT ACCEPTABLE, is that ethnicity is mentioned in such cases. Would one do it with a Jew, or with another minority? Criminals are criminals, and this has no connection to origins or ethnicity.


French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

As usual, a chronicle of the usual evictions, reactions, and other things happening in France in the context of camps and migrants. In Metz, the North East of France, a collective is accusing the police of harassment against Rroma; in Paris, a 5 years young Rrom dies, crushed by a lorry; in Toulouse, a camp will be evicted soon; a paper that is notably biased against Rroma publishes news on theft of gasoil by Rroma; and finaly in Toulose, the mayor and the opposition are all in agreement to have stopped the second integration village for Rroma in Paleficat.